SCP-171 - SCP Foundation
SCP-171 is a web-like matrix of small, fine tendrils of neurons, mucous glands, and muscle fibers suspended in a frothy foam of its own creation. It is not capable of self-locomotion and does not actively attack or feed on other living organisms; rather, it attempts to form a symbiotic relationship with all organisms it comes into contact with.
scp:hubs:en:database:series-i:scp-171 - The Ring of Wonder
1 天前 · scp-171是由细小的神经元卷须、粘液腺和悬浮在它自己制造的泡沫中的肌纤维组成的网状母体。 它不能自己移动,不会主动攻击,也不以其他活的生物体为食;恰恰相反,它试图与它遇到的所有生物体形成共生关系。
供应链物流行业三大证书,CSCP,CPIM,CPSM,有哪些区别?哪 …
CSCP: Certified Supply Chain professionals, 偏向于供应链战略管理; 这三个证书和供应链都有关联,CPSM, CPIM偏向于具体的业务层面,前者偏向于采购管理,后者偏向于生产运营管理; 而CSCP相对更宏观,高屋建瓴,偏向于供应链战略规划。
SCP-173 - SCP Foundation
SCP-173 is animate and extremely hostile. The object cannot move while within a direct line of sight. Line of sight must not be broken at any time with SCP-173. Personnel assigned to enter container are instructed to alert one another before blinking. Object is reported to attack by snapping the neck at the base of the skull, or by strangulation.
SP 800-171 Rev. 3, Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information …
2024年5月14日 · This publication provides federal agencies with recommended security requirements for protecting the confidentiality of CUI when the information is resident in nonfederal systems and organizations. The requirements apply to components of nonfederal systems that process, store, or transmit CUI or that provide protection for such components.
Re: [討論] CSCP 國際供應鏈管理師 - 看板License - PTT網頁版
2013年7月14日 · 又隔了好久. 有人已經有考到過了嗎? 在台灣這張證照的效果大嗎?. 畢竟需要點費用,希望投資下去是值得的. 有版友有關於這張證照的相關訊息嗎? 希望可以交流一下. 謝謝大家. --. ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc). From:
化妆品出口|化妆品去美国,只做FDA LISTING就足够了吗?
2024年11月21日 · CSCP是California Safe Cosmetics Program(加州化妆品安全计划)的缩写。 《加州化妆品安全法案(CSCA)》 和《化妆品香料和香料成分知情权法案(CFFIRKA)》 分别于2005年和2020 年签署成为法律。
CSCP、CPIM和CLMP三大证书的区别?如何选择? - 脉脉
2024年7月31日 · 三种流行的认证—— CSCP(Certified Supply Chain Professional)、CPIM(Certified in Planning and Inventory Management)以及CLMP(Certified Lean Management Professional)——各自为不同领...
TCSCP 0011-2017 高分子材料大气环境腐蚀试验 - 道客巴巴
SCP-CN-171 - SCP International - Wikidot
SCP-CN-171-1 is a high-power flashlight with no fixed appearance. When a subject encounters SCP-CN-171-1, it will approach the subject at roughly the same speed as a human adult walking. SCP-CN-171-1 usually levitates at a height between 0.5 to 0.8m above the ground.