SCP-279 - SCP Foundation
2022年7月10日 · SCP-279 has been reported to spontaneously disappear and reappear throughout D , presenting unusual difficulties to agents required to monitor it. SCP-279 seemingly spends the majority of its time travelling through the town of D .
SCP-279 - SCP基金会
scp-279不对任何形式的外界刺激做出反应,且尚未观察到其偏离标准中性表情。据报告,scp-279会自动在d 内自动消失与出现,给负责监视它的特工增添许多困难。 scp-279似乎将大部分时间用于在d 中四处走动。处决scp-279的尝试均失败了。
SCP-279 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-279. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: There is no way to stop it from moving. Its host town is on a lockdown. Civilians living in it must be kept unaware. Laconic Description: SCP-279 is a middle aged man that perpetually travels around the town of D unable to be stopped or react to anyone or anything. At 3am it ...
2020年4月30日 · SCP-279是一个四十出头的大叔,外表和着装并不出众就是一名普通的路人甲。 SCP-279不对任何的外界刺激做出反应,且尚未观察到SCP-279漫步者有表情的变化。 据报告,SCP-279拥有奇异的闪现技能。 SCP-279漫步者的属性. SCP-279漫步者一直处于游走状态,我们无法收容和处决SCP-279漫步者。 SCP-279漫步者的闪现很奇怪,与其说是闪现倒不如说SCP-279漫步者会粒子位移,我们无论对SCP-279漫步者进行如何的物理伤害,SCP-279漫步者都 …
供应链物流行业三大证书,CSCP,CPIM,CPSM,有哪些区别?哪 …
您好,cpsm 、 cscp 、 cpim 这三大证书区别在于 . 1、发证机构不同.cpsm是美国供应管理协会(简称ism)颁发的证书。 cscp,cpim,是美国国际供应链管理协会(简称apics)颁发的证书。 2、这几个证书的侧重点不一样
国内如何参加CSCP考试? - 知乎
cscp(注册供应链管理师)考试首先要满足参考条件: (三项中满足任何一个条件即可) 具有大学本科学士学位或以上; 具有cpim, cfpim, cirm, scor-p, c.p.m., csm or cpsm; 三年以上的相关工作经验; 具体考试步骤:
Opinion of SCP-279? : r/SCP - Reddit
2016年5月30日 · I'm a big fan of a lot of the SCP series. I've literally started at the first one and read all the way up to 279. Well most of them are very well written and a delight to read, until I got to this one. I intend no offense whatsoever to the author, but the fact that the {redacted} or {data expunged} was used 19 times in one article was ridiculous.
SCP-279 - Computer Generated Foundation
Description: SCP-279 is a humanoid, shaped like a large otter, with angled cheeks, large mouth and fangs, and a very close resemblance to an adult American seal otter. When tested for identification, all of SCP-279’s teeth, gums, and fangs have all been successfully identified as American seal otters' gums.
一文看懂CPIM/CSCP 自学备考流程 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
我在2020年9月和12月分别通过cpim和cscp两个认证。 今天就简单介绍一下这两个考试的自学备考流程,方便起见,会员和考券以我自己购买的 联韬 举例。 注册账号
SCP-279 Meandering Man(漫步者) - longluntan
scp-279不对任何形式的外界刺激做出反应,且尚未观察到其偏离标准中性表情。据报告,scp-279会自动在d 内自动消失与出现,给负责监视它的特工增添许多困难。 scp-279似乎将大部分时间用于在d 中四处走动。