SCP-303 - SCP Foundation
Description: Witnesses describe SCP-303 as a nude, sexless, emaciated humanoid figure with reddish-brown skin. Instead of normal facial features, its head is dominated by an extremely …
SCP-303 - SCP基金会
SCP-303的首次出现记录时间是在3/1/ 。目前怀疑SCP-303是在不经意间被运入或者是Site内另一SCP的表现。所有Site 的SCP正在准备重新依次检测。 事故日志303-A. 事故303-1:当意识 …
SCP-303 - 門怪 - SCP基金會
2022年3月1日 · scp-303將會週期性地在一個感知性的觀測者附近實體化,並且位於關上的房門、艙門或門徑阻礙物後方;選擇該觀測者的方法則是未知的。隨後,scp-303會待在該門後不定 …
SCP-303 - 百度百科
scp-303「门后男」是网络共笔怪谈文学《scp基金会》系列中的超自然生物之一。 裸体的褐色无性别人形生物,脸部被一张巨大的嘴占据。 其会随机出现在站点内的门后或其他屏障后方,并 …
SCP-303 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Evuruct-rru-Kirge, designated by the SCP Foundation as SCP-303 and nicknamed " The Doorman " is a nude, reddish-brown humanoid creature that inhabits Site , a Foundation site. …
SCP-303 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Experiment #303-3. A violinist was asked to compose a piece of music that only she knew of and not to repeat it to anyone. It was not recorded, nor was it written down. She was asked to play …
SCP-303 | Wiki La Fundación SCP | Fandom
Descripción: Los testigos describen el SCP-303 como una figura humanoide desnuda, sin sexo, demacrada y de piel marrón rojiza. En lugar de los rasgos faciales normales, su cabeza está …
SCP-303 | Monster Wiki | Fandom
Located at an undisclosed site, SCP-303, nicknamed "The Doorman", is a highly unusual creature that manifests behind doors and other objects that obscure its appearance when in the …
供应链物流行业三大证书,CSCP,CPIM,CPSM,有哪些区别?哪 …
您好,cpsm 、 cscp 、 cpim 这三大证书区别在于 . 1、发证机构不同.cpsm是美国供应管理协会(简称ism)颁发的证书。 cscp,cpim,是美国国际供应链管理协会(简称apics)颁发的证书。 2、这几 …
SCP-303 - 나무위키
scp-303은 감각을 인지하는 관찰자의 반대편에 있는 어떤 닫혀져있는 문 같은 곳에서 갑작스레 나타나 쌕쌕거리는 소리를 낸다. scp-303이 사라져서 보이지 않을 때 까지 공포에 질려 움직이지 …