California State Guard (CSG) | Cal Guard
The California State Guard (CSG) is made up of primarily non paid members who train and serve the State in a military capacity. CSG members are also subject to call for Emergency State Active Duty (ESAD) by the Governor.
Join the California State Guard – California State Guard
To be eligible for Enlistment in the CSG, Applicants must be a legal resident of the State of California, and either a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident alien who has made legal declaration to become a citizen of the United States by filing Form N-300, Application to File Declaration of Intention with the United States ...
California State Guard – Ready to Respond
The California State Guard (CSG) supports the California National Guard (CNG) and the California Military Department (CMD) by enhancing their readiness for state and federal responsibilities. The CSG accomplishes this mission by providing an organized, trained, and disciplined force dedicated to serving the state’s needs.
Cal Guard | Cal Guard
Official website of the State of California. Custom Google Search Submit. Home Fallen Comrades Resources CMD Patriotic Employer Certificate Request CMD Jobs ... CSG. CMD Announcements Army CAC Certificate Reduction and Realignment Plan Los Alamitos Notice of Availability Environmental Assessment (.pdf)
California State Guard - Wikipedia
The California State Guard (CSG) (formerly the California State Military Reserve) is a military unit which provides assistance and training to the California National Guard and is a military force of California. The CSG is a reserve force that supports the state missions and federal readiness of the Army and Air National Guard.
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California State Guard. To continue, click the blue 'Sign In' button below. Popups must be enabled to continue using this system. For help, please contact your C-6 or administrator.
OSJA | Cal Guard - California
The Office of the Staff Judge Advocate is located at the Consolidated Headquarters Complex at 10601 Bear Hollow Drive in Gold River and serves to provide timely legal advice, service and support to the command and staff of the California Military Department.
California State Military Reserve - Fandom
The CSG is a volunteer force that protects California and its citizens from natural and man-made disasters including: civil unrest, wildfires, floods, earthquakes, and pandemics. The CSG also augments the California Army National Guard and Air National Guard when they are deployed.
The California State Guard (CSG) is a volunteer military reserve that protects California and its citizens from natural and man-made disasters, including wildfires, floods, earthquakes, and pandemics. It was formed to provide California with a trained and organized force in the event of a state emergency.
California State Guard Commanding General
Brigadier General (CA) Robert A. Spano currently serves as the Commander of the California State Guard. BG (CA) Spano was born in San Francisco, California on August 13, 1964. He attended public schools in Burlingame, California and …