Session posters - Rencontres CSH
Au cours des 20èmes Rencontres Convergences Santé Hôpital qui se dérouleront les 23,24,25 et 26 septembre 2025 à Saint Malo, une session posters vous sera spécialement réservée pour partager vos travaux, votre pratique professionnelle avec l'ensemble des participants.
CSHL Meetings & Courses Poster Service
Cold Spring Harbor Meetings and Courses - Long Island, New York. Scientific Conferences and Courses For Research and Education.
ABSTRACTS-Meetings-Cold Spring Harbor Asia - csh-asia.org
Presenting authors may submit abstracts for consideration as talks and/or posters. Selection of material for oral and poster presentation will be made by the Organizers; abstracts will be selected on the basis of relevance to the conference topic and on scientific merit.
Base de données posters - SNPHPU
Base de publication du Syndicat National des Pharmaciens hospitaliers et Praticiens Universitaires
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - Meetings & Courses Program
Click to view our 2025 CSHL Meetings & Courses Poster. Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conferences is our sister program based in Suzhou, China. Symposia, conferences and summer schools …
Cold Spring Harbor Asia
Inaugurated in 2010, CSHA is dedicated to promoting international scientific exchange in the Asia-Pacific region by offering cutting-edge scientific conferences and advanced training courses. View the 2025 Annual Poster showcasing our current selection of meetings and courses.
Rencontres CSH / 20èmes rencontres Convergences Santé Hôpital
Les rencontres CSH sont devenues le rendez-vous incontournable de la rentrée ! Une session posters vous est spécialement réservée pour partager vos travaux, votre pratique professionnelle. Venez à la rencontre des pharmaciens et médecins hospitaliers en bénéficiant d’une visibilité sur le …
WELCOME-Meetings-Cold Spring Harbor Asia - csh-asia.org
The conference will include eight oral sessions and one poster session covering the latest findings across many topics in application of RNA-based therapy and drugs as a novel medication. Many talks will be selected from the openly submitted abstracts …
Poster display - Undergraduate Research & Creativity | UW-La Crosse
Students and their mentors from the College of Science and Health (CSH) should work with their mentor's department Academic Department Associate (ADA) for access to the CSH poster printer. Students must have their faculty mentor/advisor present when using the printer, which is located in 213 Cowley Hall.
Au cours du congrès, une session de posters, destinée aux internes, assistants, attachés, praticiens hospitaliers et/ou universitaires sera organisée. Elle portera sur les thèmes suivants :
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