TGA patterns of C-S-H (a) before carbonation and (b
TGA patterns of C-S-H (a) before carbonation and (b) after carbonation for 28 days. The effects of Ca/Si ratio, aluminum and magnesium on the carbonation behavior of calcium silicate hydrate...
Thermal stability of C-S-H phases and applicability of Richardson …
2017年3月1日 · C-S-H (calcium silicate hydrate) is the principal binding phase of Portland cement and concrete, and hence is responsible for its strength. It forms upon the hydration of cement and it is the most volumous hydration phase. Its C/S ratio ranges from 1.3 to 2.1 [1] with a mean of 1.75 [2] in neat Portland cement.
Direct synthesis of a solid calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H)
2019年10月30日 · We present new results on solid (monolithic) synthetic C-S-H made at room temperature from easily obtainable calcium sources (calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide) and nanosilica (w/s = 2) with a 2 minute mixing time.
A thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) curve of hydrated C-S-H (the …
The observed results suggest that increasing exposure temperature contributes to CSH degradation in FC-HSC, whereas it enhances CH formation for AL-HSC.
Investigation of the carbonation mechanism of CH and C-S-H in …
2014年2月1日 · Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is a method used to determine the composition of cementitious materials in terms of CH and C C ¯ by detecting the sample mass loss during heating from 20 °C to 1100 °C. The same preparation (freeze-drying) as the one for MIP measurements was used (see Section 3.3).
TGA plots of C-S-H with 0.7 and 1.5 mixture ratios.
Calcium Silicate Hydrate gel (C-S-H) is the main product of the cement hydration process responsible for strength and durability of concrete. While...
由于CSH、钙矾石和二水硫酸钙的分解温度靠得很近,所以对上述水合反应阶段的热重曲线的解释比较困难。 采用梅特勒- 托利多TGA/SDTA进行热重测试。 应用根据失重变化自动调节升温速率的软件选项( 高分辨MaxRes) 来改善失水过程的分离。 二、样品制备 Portland 水泥和水的标准混合物在20°C 下放置4小时。 在此阶段,通过添加丙酮防止结晶水的进一步吸收。 然后在室温下真空除去该溶剂。 制备的粉末储存在氮气中以防止与水汽和二氧化碳接触。 三、在开口坩埚中的TG测试 …
Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates(CSH)水化硅酸钙LAMMPS的data文件 …
csh4lmp通过在Hamid的矿物11-Å tobermorites的无水超胞基础上移除 硅酸单氧化物 (SiO),添加氢(H),并插入水分子(H2O),实现了原子结构的修改。 作者提供了一个无水超胞的data文件,通过读取这个data文件并通过修改而建模。 使用时将以下三个文件放在同一个目录下4_7_3.data;csh4lmp.exe;AlphaLower1.bat. 如下图. 通过修改AlphaLower1.bat文件中的参数得到不同的模型。 最后设置要添加水分子的个数,就可以运行软件了。 运行软件时双 …
热重(TGA)的数据处理 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
热重分析法(Thermogravimetry Analysis,简称TG或TGA)为使样品处于一定的温度程序(升/降/恒温)控制下,观察样品的质量随温度或时间的变化过程,获取失重比例、失重温度(起始点,峰值,终止点...)、以及分解残留量…
聊聊最近很火的TGA(热重分析)检测 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
热重分析 法(tga)是在规定程序控制变化的温度范围内,测量被分析样品的重量相关量(如质量、固体残留量或残留率等)随温度或时间的变化关系。 通过分析热重曲线,我们可以知道样品的热稳定性、热分解情况及其杂质组成、热分解产物等与质量相联系的信息。