安全阀上标注CSC与CSO表示什么意思 - 搜狐
2015年7月22日 · 安全阀上标注的CSC与CSO标示,CSC全称为car sealed closed,CSO全称为car sealed open,前者CSC表示铅封关,后者CSO表示铅封开。
Car Seal Open, Car Seal Closed - What does it mean?
Car seals are used to seal valves in the open/closed positions. What does it mean? If your job is in anyway connected with pipeline processes, piping design or valve equipment supply, you may well have come across the terms Car Seal Open, Car Seal Closed, CSO, or CSC written on P&ID’s (Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams).
CSC ,CSO是什么意思?-盖德化工问答 - 盖德问答
csc:car sealed close, 未经允许不得开启 cso:car sealed open,未经允许不得关闭 这是简写的术语。 car seal 或car sealed 可能源于过去车厢或船舱等装置在经过检查或装货后施加一个铅封,只有在经过允许的情况下才能拆除铅封。
阀门CSO\CSC是什么意思?-盖德化工问答 - 盖德问答
csc是car seal close的缩写,表示铅封关。 cso是car seal open 的缩写,表示铅封开。 铅封开及铅封关是一种安全管理的措施。 铅封关car seal close 表示铅封着的阀门是关闭的,未经允许不得开启。 铅封开car seal open 表示铅封着的阀门是开启的,未经允许不得关闭。
LO/LC, CSO/CSC Valve Definition - Engineering Stack Exchange
I'm not looking for an explanation, I'm looking for a citable code. That would be Process Industry Practices, Practice Ref. PIC001. Issued 7/15/1998. Appendix A1 contains exactly what you listed. Edit: I just came across this online: PIC001 Sample, Not for Commercial Use.
图纸阀门中C.S.O什么意思 - 百度知道
CSO(car sealed open)铅封开---未经允许不得关闭;CSC(car sealed closed)铅封关---未经允许不得开启。
cso或者csc,代表铅封开或铅封关,如1开1备的安全阀进出口切断阀,一台安全阀进出口阀门必须保持铅封开启状态,禁止关闭,如果有人动了此阀门,铅封线必然断裂,一看就知道了.另一台安全阀进出口切断阀必须保持铅封关闭状态,如果动了此阀门,铅封线断裂.一看也就 ...
安全阀中CSC与CSO啥意思 - 百度知道
csc是car seal close的缩写,表示铅封关。 cso是car seal open 的缩写,表示铅封开。 铅封开及铅封关是一种安全管理的措施。 铅封关 car seal close 表示铅封着的阀门是关闭的。 铅封开 car seal open 表示铅封着的阀门是开启的。
安全阀上标注CSC与CSO表示什么意思-专业自动化论坛-中国工控 …
安全阀上标注的CSC与CSO标示,CSC全称为carsealedclosed,CSO全称为carsealedopen,前者CSC表示铅封关,后者CSO表示铅封开。 在很多设备装置上的安全阀前后的闸阀都是铅封开的,当安全阀到期需要重新较压的时候,还得把这两个阀门关闭取出安全阀进行较压。
PID中的手动阀标注为CSC、CSO 在实际中是什么意思?-hcbbs千 …
4 天之前 · pid中的手动阀标注为csc、cso 在实际中是什么意思? CSC是铅封关,CSO是铅封开,具体实际的操作是不是这对应的管线上的阀门就是一个是全关状态,一个是全开状态!
2023年8月8日 · CSO是Chemical Shut-Off的缩写,意思是化学品关断。 在化工流程图上,CSO标记通常用于表示需要在某个阀门处关闭化学品的流动。 这可能是为了进行维修、更换设备或者调整操作条件。
cso.csc DF LC LO NC NO PO SC SO ....不知道什么意思, - 盖德问答
cso 在正常下常开加锁 csc 在正常下常关加锁 car seal是什么呢? 货车装货完毕后,检视员检查核对后,在车门处加一个锁封(有时海关监管),在到达目的地后由对方剪断开封,这个过程叫做car seal...
Cso/csc Valves - Industrial Professionals - Cheresources.com …
2014年5月11日 · CSO stands for Car Sealed Open. The Car Seal is nothing more than a wire loop with a lead seal across its ends, through the valve wheel or lever. It does not require a key to operate, just a wire cutter, so it is not as secure as a genuine lock.
安全阀中CSC与CSO啥意思 - 百度知道
安全阀上标注的csc与cso标示,csc全称为car sealed closed,cso全称为car sealed open,前者csc表示铅封关,后者cso表示铅封开。 二、 二者区别: 1、csc是car seal close的缩写,表示铅封关。 铅封关car seal close 表示铅封着的阀门是关闭的,未经允许不得开启。 2 …
安全阀铅封和锁的选择-hcbbs千万化工人 - Powered by Discuz!
1 天前 · csc和cso是铅封,类似于家里面电表及水表那个铅锤线,lc和lo就是锁,需要钥匙开关。 lc和lo 比 csc和cso要求严格一点
Car Seal Working and Types - Chemical Engineering World
2020年12月9日 · What are CSO and CSC? You must come across the term CSO and CSC on P&IDs many times. It is nothing but shows the position of the valve car seal. CSO indicates that the valve is locked by a car seal in an open condition and CSC indicates that the valve is locked by a car seal in close condition.
安全阀上标注CSC与CSO表示什么意思 - zgbfw.com
2015年7月23日 · 安全阀 上标注的CSC与CSO标示,CSC全称为car sealed closed,CSO全称为car sealed open,前者CSC表示铅封关,后者CSO表示铅封开。
Regarding car seal open/lclosed valves (cso/csc)
2008年4月17日 · One common practice in HAZOP studies (as someone mentioned above) is to assume that any valve can be opened or closed at any time. A LO/LC or CSO/CSC removes this option. See OSHA 119.1910 for further discussion of HAZOP procedures (or pay some expensive consultant to do it for you www.bradleyventures. com - shameless plug).
Difference between LO/LC y CSO/CSC - Eng-Tips
2006年12月13日 · Lock system in a block valve can be LO/LC and CSO/CSC, which is the difference between both devices. I would interpert LO/LC to mean a physical lock that takes a key to operate the valve, it would be an engineered (designed) controled access. CSO/CSC means a tag that can be removed easily under Administrative controls (paperwork/permit/permission).
Chapter 10: Mechanical Locking Devices for Valves | GlobalSpec
During the design stage of a process plant, the Process Engineer will identify some critical valves that must be securely sealed open or sealed closed. These chosen valves are marked on the piping and instrument diagram (P&ID) as CSO or CSC. This stands for Car Sealed Opened and Car Sealed Closed.