CSO File: What It Is and How to Open One - Lifewire
2022年9月8日 · What Is a CSO File? A file with the CSO file extension is most likely a compressed ISO image file. The format is also referred to as "CISO." It was the first compression method available for ISO files and is often the preferred method for archiving PlayStation Portable games. The format supports up to nine compression levels.
.CSO - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
CSO,又称 CISO (源自英文 Compressed ISO 的缩写),是一种 计算机文件 格式,由经过 压缩 后的 ISO映像 产生。 [1] 其是首个为了压缩ISO映像而开发出来的方案,常被用于压缩 PS2 以及 PSP 平台上的ISO文件,以降低 存储 空间上的压力。 此外,为了优化该格式的 资料压缩比 以及解压速度等问题,该格式经历过了数次修改与迭代,产生了诸如 CSO v2 、 DAX 、 JSO 、 ZSO 等格式。 CSO格式第一版本(CSO v1)使用 DEFLATE 算法压缩数据,同时也提供了9个压缩 …
PSP PS2 cISO CSO Compression Tools - Archive.org
2023年11月7日 · Here are graphical tools and command-line (terminal) tools to compress ISO files to CSO files for Playstation Portable game emulators and Playstation 2 game...
CSO File - What is a .cso file and how do I open it? - FileInfo.com
2018年12月5日 · What is a CSO file? Compressed .ISO disk image file used for archiving PlayStation Portable (PSP) games; can incorporate up to nine layers of compression; created by programs, such as Prometeus and YACC (Yet Another CSO Compressor).
CSO 文件: 它是什么以及如何打开 - Windows-Office.net
本文介绍使用 cso 文件扩展名的不同格式、如何打开每种格式以及如何将其转换为其他格式以便在其他软件中使用。 什么是CSO文件? 具有 CSO 文件扩展名的文件很可能是压缩的 ISO 映像文件。
CSO File: How to open CSO file (and what it is)
2023年1月16日 · Files containing the .cso file extension are compressed image files that are most commonly used to archive games designed for use on the Playstation PSP portable gaming system. The CSO file format was the first compression method for ISO file purposes.
CSO - 压缩 ISO 磁盘映像 - File Format Docs
cso 文件格式是 iso 用于节省更多内存空间的第一种压缩方法。 不时进行增强以更好地压缩。 CSO 使用 Deflate 压缩,具有九个预设级别,通常每个级别可以单独处理 2 KiB 块。
.CSO (Compressed ISO Disk Image) - File Extension - File Formats
What is a CSO file? A CSO file, short for “Compressed ISO” disk image, is a file extension commonly associated with archiving PlayStation Portable (PSP) games. It is a compressed version of the ISO file format, which is an image of a disc containing all the data and file structure of the original media.
CSO - Compressed ISO Disk Image - File Format Docs
What is a CSO file? A file with the .cso extension is a compressed ISO image file. The CSO is an alternative to the DAX compression method; also known as CISO; was the first method to compress the ISO files and is usually a preferred method for archiving PlayStation Portable stuff.
CSO File: What It Is and How to Open One - CitizenSide
2023年8月22日 · What is a CSO file? A CSO file, short for Compressed ISO, is a file format commonly used for compressing PlayStation Portable (PSP) game data. The PSP, developed by Sony, uses ISO files to store game data, which can take up a …