Ritsuka | Counter Strike Online Wiki | Fandom
Ritsuka (リツカ Ritsuka) is a female Terrorist character in Counter-Strike Online. Born in Asia, Ritsuka was involved in domestic warfare from an early age on. She has accumulated quite some war experiences and became a regular member of the ARA during her mercenary time.
Agent Ritsuka | Counter Strike Online Wiki | Fandom
Agent Ritsuka is a Transcendent grade Counter-Terrorist female character in Counter-Strike Online. Born in Asia, Ritsuka wandered from one war zone to the next and grew in the midist of battle. She is currently under the employ of Kronos to kidnap or …
Guide Ritsuka | Counter Strike Online Wiki | Fandom - cso…
Guide Ritsuka or Pathfinder Ritsuka (in CSN) is a Terrorist character in Counter-Strike Online. Young Ritsuka was caught up in a civil war and had to find a way to survive in the war. Even in the midst of the dark ravages of war, she gained fame as a guide who guided the supply unit to safety with her natural cheerfulness and outstanding insight.
【王牌角色】反骨特務-伊琳娜(Agent Ritsuka) @CS Online﹝絕 …
2023年2月8日 · 反骨特務-伊琳娜 (韓語:에이전트 리트슈카,英語: Agent Ritsuka,中國大陸譯:「【特情】伊琳娜」)。 出生於亞洲的伊琳娜從小就在內戰中渡過,長時間在戰爭環境中成長。 現在受到克羅諾斯的委託,專做公司反感的主要勢力人士的綁架和暗殺等惡劣行為。 因崔智云綁架任務的失敗受到很大的壓力,為了在下次任務中成功,偽裝所屬單位準備進行下一次的作戰。 [榮譽] 愛情派來的特務 (中國大陸譯:「星光閃耀」),授予擁有國際巨星-亞琳、粉紅水晶、反 …
絕對武力 Online 攻略百科:王牌角色 - 巴哈姆特 - Bahamut
【整理】《cso 絕對武力》遊戲角色背景 〖王牌角色〗人物! 內容目錄 | 詳全文☟: 點我 【王牌角色】國際巨星-亞琳(Pop Star Alin): 點我
agent-ritsuka [Counter-Strike 1.6] [Mods] - GameBanana
agent-ritsuka - A Mod for Counter-Strike 1.6.
[CSO]Guide Ritsuka - A Mod for Counter-Strike 1.6. - GameBanana
A Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS1.6) Mod in the Player Models category, submitted by C.A.R
Ritsuka - Csoturkıye Wiki | Fandom
Ritsuka is a female Terrorist character in Counter-Strike Online. Born in Asia, Ritsuka was involved in domestic warfare from an early age on. She has accumulated war experiences and became a regular member of the ARA during her mercenary time.
【情報】韓國2月24日更新內容 全新超凡角色、全新實驗模式、創 …
2022年3月5日 · 特工伊琳娜 (Agent Ritsuka) 出生於亞洲的伊琳娜,從小捲入內戰,在戰爭中長大了很多年。 為了唯一的歸宿 ARA 部隊,她受其最大的客戶克羅諾斯的委託,做了綁架、暗殺對手公司關鍵人物等令人髮指的行徑。
CSO Agent Ritsuka - Model [Counter-Strike: Online] [Mods]
Risuka Agent character cso/cs1.6... A Counter-Strike: Online (CS:O) Mod in the Game files category, submitted by Kat99GamerLo