關於南方東英 - csopasset.com
南方東英於2019年12月9日正式成為聯合國責任投資原則組織(UNPRI)簽署成員。 我們將積極把責任投資納入投資決策中,與資產管理同業和投資者共同踐行責任投資理念,努力推動環境保護、社會和諧和經濟發展的良性循環,為投資者創造長期價值。 2019年,南方東英正式成為聯合國責任投資原則組織(UNPRI)的簽署成員。 2021年,南方東英成為氣候相關財務揭露建議 (TCFD)的公眾支持者。 2021 年,南方東英成為巴黎協定的公眾支持者,該協定是一項旨在限製全球變 …
CSOP ETFs series comprehensively cover HK stocks, A-shares, thematic, fixed income and money market, providing investors with simple and transparent investment tools to fulfill their investment needs in an all-rounded manner.
Settlement will be conducted on T+2 day through Hongkong Clearing's CCASS on the Continuous Net Settlement basis.
Exchange Participants are requested to note that the following Leveraged and Inverse Products (“L&I Products”) have been authorized under collective investment scheme by the Securities and Futures Commission and are expected to commence trading on the Exchange and admitted to the list of Designated Securities eligible for short selling on 24 Mar...
This Prospectus relates to the offer in Hong Kong of units (the “Units”) in the CSOP Leveraged and Inverse Series (the “Trust”), an umbrella unit trust established under Hong Kong law by a trust deed dated 5 July 2016, as amended and restated from time to time 南方東英資產管理有限公司(the “Trust Deed”) between CSOP Asset ...
鹏城相聚 精彩继续 | CSOP2024安全运营实战大会深圳站成功举办
5月16日,以“智见·破境”为主题的CSOP 2024网络安全运营实战大会深圳站在深铁皇冠假日酒店成功举办。 来自政府、高校,以及金融、科技、通讯等行业安全专家与华南区域近400名网安从业者共聚一堂,面对面交流网络安全领域的前瞻思考和最新实践,继续探寻 ...
CSOP2024网络安全运营实战大会即将开幕 - FreeBuf网络安全行业 …
2024年3月13日 · 今年的CSOP大会将于4月正式开幕,先后在北京、上海、深圳、香港四地举行,继续拓宽时空跨度,融汇多方智见,再造一届安全运营与实战技术交流盛会。
网络安全运营与实战大会 - CSOP - ThreatBook
作为网络安全领域最具专业性的年度盛会之一,CSOP 2024大会将以“智见 · 破境”为主题,在北京、上海、深圳等地召开,围绕新型网络威胁,聚焦智能技术手段的革新给安全运营带来的新变化和挑战,探讨如何实现高效安全运营,博采众智,勠力破境。
CSOP to Launch Leveraged and Inverse Single-Stock ETFs in HK
2025年3月19日 · CSOP Asset Management Ltd will launch Hong Kong's first batch of leveraged and inverse exchange-traded fund products tracking single stocks overseas. The nine products will offer two times...
I primi prodotti inversi e a leva su singola azione dell'Asia saranno ...
4 天之前 · CSOP Asset Management, con sede a Hong Kong, ha dichiarato che il primo lotto asiatico di nove prodotti leveraged & inverse (L&I) a singolo titolo sarà quotato lunedì alla Borsa di Hong Kong (HKEX). I prodotti L&I sono strumenti derivati progettati per il trading o la copertura a breve termine; i prodotti L&I a singolo titolo mirano a fornire un rendimento giornaliero che è …