Teacher Education And Mentoring (TEAM) Program - CT.gov
The TEAM Program is a two-year induction program for new teachers that includes mentorship and professional development support that new educators need to be successful. Learning to teach is a developmental process that begins during preservice and continues throughout a teacher’s career.
TEAM Modules
CT Teacher and Mentoring Program. Your Username is the email address that you used to create your account on the TEAM Modules Workspace.
TEAM Program - CT.gov
Teacher Education And Mentoring (TEAM) Program. TEAM is a professional growth model that incorporates the CT Standards for Professional Learning and provides beginning teachers with multiple opportunities to reflect on their practice, analyze student data and outcomes, and identify areas for growth and improvement for their individual professional learning.
Profiles available on ctteam.org •Read the Performance Profile going across from left to right. •Note language changes as you move across the continuum CCT Indicators Continuum of Effective Teaching Practice 1. Creating a class climate that is responsive to and respectful of the needs of students with diverse backgrounds, interests and ...
www.ctteam.org Teacher Education And Mentoring Program CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Program Manual 2015-16 For Beginning Teachers, District Facilitators, Administrators and Mentors
Core of Teaching, which can also be accessed online at www.ctteam.org under module resources. Module 1: Classroom Environment, Student Engagement and Commitment to Learning aligns with the CCT Domain 2 Module 2: Planning for Active Learning aligns with the CCT Domain 3 Module 3: Instruction for Active Learning is aligns with the CCT Domain 4
Teacher Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Program
Complete Survey at ctteam.org. Module 1, 2, 3, or 4. Select one module. Select second module. Complete by February 15. Complete by May 15 . OR. First year TEAM teacher 5 Modules Option 2. Module 1, 3, or 4. Select one module. Complete by May 15. Module 2. Complete Performance Profile and PGAP before end of school year.
Teacher Education And Mentoring (TEAM) Program - CT.gov
Documents/Forms. TEAM Program Manual 2024-25 . Teacher Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Program & Sanford Inspire Modules Crosswalk (Harmony) TEAM Modules Pacing Guide
TEAM Training - Schedule and Registration - CT.gov
Important Registration Information In order to successfully complete the training, participants must complete all pre-work and session activities in the order of presentation.
2017-R-0306 December 07, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Under the statute, beginning teachers in TEAM are required to write reflection papers and the local