Teacher Education And Mentoring (TEAM) Program - CT.gov
The TEAM Program is a two-year induction program for new teachers that includes mentorship and professional development support that new educators need to be successful. Learning to …
TEAM Modules
CT Teacher and Mentoring Program. Your Username is the email address that you used to create your account on the TEAM Modules Workspace.
TEAM Program - CT.gov
Teacher Education And Mentoring (TEAM) Program. TEAM is a professional growth model that incorporates the CT Standards for Professional Learning and provides beginning teachers with …
Profiles available on ctteam.org •Read the Performance Profile going across from left to right. •Note language changes as you move across the continuum CCT Indicators Continuum of …
www.ctteam.org Teacher Education And Mentoring Program CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Program Manual 2015-16 For Beginning Teachers, District …
Core of Teaching, which can also be accessed online at www.ctteam.org under module resources. Module 1: Classroom Environment, Student Engagement and Commitment to …
Teacher Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Program
Complete Survey at ctteam.org. Module 1, 2, 3, or 4. Select one module. Select second module. Complete by February 15. Complete by May 15 . OR. First year TEAM teacher 5 Modules …
Teacher Education And Mentoring (TEAM) Program - CT.gov
Documents/Forms. TEAM Program Manual 2024-25 . Teacher Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Program & Sanford Inspire Modules Crosswalk (Harmony) TEAM Modules Pacing Guide
TEAM Training - Schedule and Registration - CT.gov
Important Registration Information In order to successfully complete the training, participants must complete all pre-work and session activities in the order of presentation.
2017-R-0306 December 07, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Under the statute, beginning teachers in TEAM are required to write reflection papers and the local