Are you registered with CTEC? Or would like to become registered? Click here to login, register or to find a CTEC approved education provider. Click here for registration >
Registered tax preparers | FTB.ca.gov
To become a CTEC registered tax preparer, you must: Take a 60-hour qualifying education course from a CTEC approved provider within the past 18 months; Purchase a $5,000 tax …
New Preparer Application - Instructions - CTEC
Once you have completed your 60-hour QE course from your CTEC approved provider, received your PTIN number from the IRS, and received your $5,000 tax preparer surety bond, you will …
What is CRTP? - CTEC
All CTEC Registered Tax Preparers (CRTP) must... Complete 60-hours (43 hours federal, 15 hours California, and 2 hours of ethics) of qualifying tax education from a CTEC Approved …
Q & A - CTEC
Obtain a $5,000 Tax Preparer bond from a insurance/surety company, obtain a PTIN from the IRS, pass a background check and live scan and register at www.ctec.org - New to CTEC? …
How to Become a CTEC Registered Tax Preparer
The very first step to becoming a CTEC Registered Tax Preparer (CRTP) is to complete a New Preparer Application with the California Tax Education Council (CTEC). There are three (3) …
Chapter 22 - Becoming a California Registered Tax Preparer - Quizlet
In order to become a CTEC Registered Tax Preparer (CRTP) you must: All of the above. CTEC is the abbreviation for. California Tax Education Council. The following requirements are required …
Tax Professionals - CTEC
California law requires anyone who is physically in California and prepares (or assists with) tax returns for a fee, and is not an attorney, certified public accountant (CPA) or enrolled agent …
Taxpayers - CTEC
To find/verify a tax preparer and registration status, enter a valid CTEC ID or one search criteria below. You may enter one or more criteria. Additional criteria will narrow the search. Partial …
CTEC Tax Preparer Training & Qualifying Education
California CTEC Tax Preparer Training Programs. Choose the CTEC Tax Preparer Training that's right for you 3 different course bundles to meet the 3 different CA tax preparer requirements. …