A 20MHz CTIA ROIC for InGaAs focal plane array - IEEE Xplore
Abstract: A low noise high-speed readout integrated circuit (ROIC) for InGaAs infrared focal plane array (FPA) is reported in this paper. To reduce the input reference noise, the correlated double sampling (CDS) is added into the pixel circuit, where the capacitance transimpedance amplifier (CTIA) structure is adopted as the input stage circuit.
10-μm pitch CTIA readout family for InGaAs and QD SWIR sensors
A 10 μm pixel pitch low-noise high-sensitivity readout family, with a capacitive transimpedance amplifier pixel front end, for InGaAs and QD SWIR sensors is presented. Two formats, 1280 x 1024 and 640 x 512, are available, with a third 320 x 246 version in the works.
Noise characteristics analysis of short wave infrared InGaAs focal ...
2017年9月1日 · The increasing application of InGaAs short wave infrared (SWIR) focal plane arrays (FPAs) in low light level imaging requires ultra-low noise FPAs. This paper presents the theoretical analysis of FPA noise, and point out that both dark current and detector capacitance strongly affect the FPA noise.
InGaAs area image sensors detect near infrared rays invisible to the human eye and convert the light into images. They have a hybrid structure consisting of a two-dimensional back-illuminated InGaAs photodiode array and high-gain low-noise CMOS readout circuit (ROIC: readout integrated circuit) that are connected by In bumps. A pixel is made
CTIA ROIC with snapshot operation having a 1280×1024 format and 15 µm pixel pitch, which is developed mainly for the SWIR InGaAs detector arrays for low -noise and high -resolution imaging applications.
MT6425CA: a 640 x 512-25μm CTIA ROIC for SWIR InGaAs …
2012年5月31日 · This paper reports the development of a new CTIA ROIC (MT6425CA) suitable for SWIR InGaAs detector arrays. MT6425CA has a format of 640 × 512 with a pixel pitch of 25 μm and has a system-on-chip architecture, where all the critical timing and biasing for this ROIC are generated by programmable blocks on-chip.
Low-bias CTIA multiplexer for 1024-element InGaAs line sensors
1994年6月23日 · A design is presented for 512-element CTIA multiplexer developed for readout of an array of 1024-element InGaAs detectors for operation with a bias voltage in the range of +/- 10 mV. This multiplexer can be operated with a left-to-right or right-to-left scan, a non- destructive sequential readout with line-by-line selectable detector reset, and ...
新型GaAs/InGaAs量子效应光电探测器读出设计 - 百度学术
针对新型GaAs/InGaAs量子效应光电探测器具有的高灵敏度、大动态范围等优点,设计了CTIA-源极跟随CDS读出结构,针对传统CDS的不足,还设计了可削弱像素串扰的源极跟随CDS电路,应用TSMC0.35μm2P4M n阱CMOS工艺对读出电路进行设计、仿真、版图布局及验证,实现了流片。 比较了0.35μm工艺的CTIA读出电路和0.5μm工艺的SI读出电路对接2×8探测器阵列测试结果,获得了积分时间、探测器偏压及光照功率等工作条件与响应电压、噪声等关键参数的关系。 测试结果 …
A 20MHz 15µm pitch 128x128 CTIA ROIC for InGaAs focal plane …
2014年11月11日 · A 128×128 matrix readout integrated circuit (ROIC) for 15×15 μm 2 InGaAs focal plane array (FPA) is reported in this paper. Capacitive-feedback Trans-Impedance Amplifier (CTIA) and correlated double sampling (CDS) are both involved in ROIC pixel which dissipates 90nW and has a full-well-capacity (FWC) of about 78,000 e-.
MT6415CA: a 640×512-15µm CTIA ROIC for SWIR InGaAs detector arrays
This paper reports the development of a new low-noise CTIA ROIC (MT6415CA) suitable for SWIR InGaAs detector arrays for low-light imaging applications. MT6415CA is the second product in the MT6400 series ROICs from Mikro-Tasarim Ltd., which is a fabless IC design house specialized in the development of monolithic imaging sensors and ROICs for ...