Valtech promotes leaders to North American CTO and CCO
NEW YORK, USA – June 13, 2022: Valtech, a global business transformation agency, today promoted Mihaela Mazzenga to Chief Technology Officer and David DeCheser to Chief Creative Officer for Valtech North America, with the goal of upleveling digital and experience innovation and continuing to drive transformation for clients in North America.
Valtech appoints new global CTO - Wire19
2023年3月17日 · Valtech, a global leader in digital services and business transformation, today announces the appointment of John Cunningham as its global CTO. As an experienced strategic leader in servicing world-leading brands on their digital transformation journey, John will support Valtech in its mission to transform businesses into digital power houses ...
Valtech promotes leaders to North American CTO and CCO, …
NEW YORK, June 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Valtech, a global business transformation agency, today promoted Mihaela Mazzenga to Chief Technology Officer and David DeCheser to Chief Creative Officer...
2020年11月19日 · 企业的核心高管团队有六O组成,分别是CEO、COO、CSO、CTO、CFO、CHO,他们作为企业发展的中坚力量与中流抵柱,是企业战略定位、执行系统导入的支持者与实施者。 只有拥有战无不胜的系统化高管团队,才会有高效的企业团队,企业才会基业长青。 负责企业战略规划、执行等职责。 1、完成企业战略性指标,负责制定企业战略和目标并做出决策、制定预算、组织合作伙伴,聘用一支高水平的管理队伍来带领全公司向着既定的目标前进。 2、负 …
CTO-Vault | Daily CTO Insights
With CTO-Vault, your daily insights are curated and delivered right when you need them. No credit card required. No setup headaches. "AI-powered DevOps is transforming how CTOs approach infrastructure management in 2025." She then continued... Leadership Challenges..." get made without proper context or insights.
Valth Menezes Guimaraes » Suas Empresas e Sócios
CTO - CLINICA DE TRAUMA E ORTOPEDIA S/S LTDA. CNPJ: 01.548.546/0001-44. Data de Abertura: 21/11/1996. Situação Cadastral: ATIVA. Município: CAMPINA GRANDE / PB. Consultar Empresa
Confraternização com a... - Dr. Valth Guimarães Ortopedista
2018年12月22日 · Confraternização com a equipe @cto_ortopedia_cg 2018. #drvalth #drvalthortopedista #drvalthortopedia #clinicacto #ctocg #confraternizacao #2018 #cto
AI时代下CTO角色的演变与挑战 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2025年2月9日 · 本文将从历史演变、AI带来的关键变化、新技能需求、AI赋能与挑战,以及实际案例五个方面深入分析AI如何影响CTO角色,特别是在创业公司和技术管理者背景下。 传统职责与定位: 在早期,CTO更多被视为技术专家和IT管理员,主要负责管理企业的技术基础设施、确保系统稳定安全、维护服务器和网络等日常运维 (The Evolving Role of the Chief Technology Officer in the AI Era | EC1 Partners)。
Valthrun - GitHub
Valthrun an open source external CS2 read only kernel gameplay enhancer. Loading… Valthrun has 7 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Valth Menezes Guimaraes » Suas Empresas e Sócios no CNPJ - QSA
Valth Menezes Guimaraes é empresário(a) com participação em 2 CNPJ perante a RFB nos seguintes Estados: PB. A empresa mais antiga é a CTO - CLINICA DE TRAUMA E ORTOPEDIA S/S LTDA, aberta em 21/11/1996 e atualmente ATIVA .