Souvenirs | CUHK Communications and Public Relations Office
All souvenir items are now available for sale. For enquiries, please contact [email protected]. Bookstore.
Souvenirs - Morningside College
We offer a range of Morningside College-branded souvenirs. To make your order, please visit the College Office. For enquiries, please contact us at 3943 1406 or by email …
資源分享 - CUHK Communications and Public Relations Office
所有紀念品現正公開發售。如有查詢請致電:3943 8891 或電郵至:[email protected]。 紀念品銷售處 地址︰香港中文大學富爾敦樓地下 辦公時 …
Souvenir | CUHK-Shenzhen 10th ANNIVERSARY
CUHK-Shenzhen 10th Anniversary Commemorative Mug Product Size: 9.5*9.7cm Product Configuration : New bone china with copper plate customization, individually packaged
紀念品銷售處及其他店鋪 | 鄭家純國際會議中心 | 香港中文大學
香港新界沙田 香港中文大學 鄭裕彤樓 鄭家純國際會議中心1-2樓
55th Anniversary of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
All souvenir items are now available for sale at Souvenir Counter at John Fulton Centre, CUHK. Office Hour : 08:45 to 17:30 (Mon. to Thu.) 08:45 to 17:45 (Fri.) Closed on Sat., Sun. and …
University Gift Shop | CUHK-Shenzhen
The University Gift Shop carries a wide range of school souvenirs from mark pens to silk scarves. It also has a Wechat assistant to help online shopping.
Minimize disposables like dishware and utensils (e.g., by reminding guests to bring their own mugs, lunchboxes and cutlery); Do not use polyfoam meal containers and non-woven …
Café Royale | CUHKUPDates | CUHK
Coffee-drinking is made more delectable by the infinite variety of the drinking vessel—the Italians drink espresso in small cups; the Americans drink Americano in large mugs; we lowly wage …
Urban Dictionary Store - Cuhk mug
This sturdy ceramic mug is perfect for your morning coffee, afternoon tea, or whatever hot beverage you enjoy. It's glossy white and the printed text retains its quality when dish-washed …