Ganjar Pranowo - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Ganjar Pranowo (lahir 28 Oktober 1968) adalah seorang politisi mantan Gubernur Jawa Tengah dua periode sejak 23 Agustus 2013-5 September 2023. Sebelumnya, ia merupakan anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dari Fraksi PDI Perjuangan periode 2004–2009 dan 2009–2013.
Ganjar Pranowo - Wikipedia
Ganjar Pranowo (born 28 October 1968) is an Indonesian politician who served as the governor of Central Java between 2013 and 2023. He is a member of the nationalist Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P).
Profil Pimpinan – Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Profil Gubernur Jawa TengahProfil :Nama : Komjen Pol (Purn) Drs. Ahmad Luthfi, S.H., S.St.M.K.Tempat / Tanggal Lahir : Surabaya, 22 November 1966Agama : Islam Riwaya
Biografi Ganjar Pranowo: Profil, Biodata dan Perjalanan Karirnya
Ganjar Pranowo mulai dikenal oleh publik saat menjadi anggota Panitia Khusus Hak Angket Bank Century sekaligus menjadi Wakil Ketua Komisi II DPR-RI. Ganjar Pranowo merupakan mahasiswa pascasarjana di FISIP UI sejak tahun 2009, akan tetapi terpaksa cuti karena kesibukannya sebagai Anggota DPR-RI.
Candidate profile: Ganjar Pranowo - The Jakarta Post
2023年11月24日 · Ganjar Pranowo, 55, is the former governor of Central Java (2013-2023), and before that, a lawmaker (2004-2013) for the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P).
Biography of Ganjar Pranowo: Profile, Biodata and Career Journey
Ganjar Pranowo became known to the public when he was a member of the Special Committee for Inquiry Rights for Century Bank and at the same time as Deputy Chair of Commission II DPR-RI. Ganjar Pranowo has been a postgraduate student at FISIP UI since 2009, but was forced to take leave because of his busy schedule as a member of the DPR-RI.
Profile of Ganjar Pranowo (UI Faculty of Social and Political …
2021年3月24日 · Born on October 28th 1968, Ganjar Pranowo is a 2009 graduate of Universitas Indonesia’s Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Political Science Masters program, who has been serving as the Governor of Central Java since 2013, and since his reelection, will continue to serve his next period until 2023.
Ganjar Pranowo - merdeka.com
Ganjar Pranowo-Heru Sudjatmoko resmi dilantik menjadi Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Jawa Tengah periode 2013-2018 pada 23 Agustus 2013. Dalam proses pelantikan itu Ganjar mendapat tanda pangkat jabatan dan kata-kata pelantikan, serta melakukan penandatanganan pakta integritas dan penandatanganan berita acara serah terima jabatan.
Ganjar Pranowo - Wikiwand
Ganjar Pranowo is an Indonesian politician who served as the governor of Central Java between 2013 and 2023. He is a member of the nationalist Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P). He is a candidate for the 2024 Indonesian presidential elections, running alongside former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia, Mahfud MD.
Profil Ganjar Pranowo, Karier Politik hingga Sepak Terjang …
2023年12月12日 · Ganjar Pranowo telah resmi mendaftar sebagai calon presiden (capres) didampingi Mahfud MD sebagai calon wakil presiden (cawapres) pada Pemilu 2024. Pasangan yang didukung oleh PDI-P itu mendaftar ke Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) pada 19 …