Mullard 12AT7WA / CV4024 Preamp Vacuum Tube - thetubestore
Purchase Mullard 12AT7WA / CV4024 preamp vacuum tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier.
12AT7 / ECC81 / CV4024 Pre Amplifier Vacuum Tubes
Tube Depot carries a selection of 12AT7 / ECC81 / CV4024 Pre Amp Vacuum Tubes. New & NOS pre amp tubes from Tung-Sol, Electro-Harmonix, Genalex & more!
CV4024 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The CV4024 is the UK Government designation for the Brimar 6060 and/or the Mullard M8162. They are special quality versions of the ECC81 VHF double triode. A version with flying leads for direct soldering into circuit is the CV4033 .
Mullard CV4024 - NOS Vacuum Tubes for Sale | Tubes Unlimited
The CV4024 / M8162 is a special quality version of the ecc81 / 12AT7. Heater is center tapped to permit operation in series at 12.6V or parallel at 6.3V. These amazing tubes were designed for long life and are shock resistant up to 500g. They were also made to withstand bulb temperatures up to 200 deg C.
CV 4024, Tube CV4024; Röhre CV 4024 ID27861, Double Triode ...
Tube CV 4024 or Röhre CV4024 ID27861, Double Triode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and Universal shown. Radio tubes are valves.
ECC81 - CV4024 - (1970'S) VACUUM TUBE (NOS) - Reverb
This listing is for a brand new, factory fresh Mullard CV4024 (12AT7 ECC81) NOS (New Old Stock). These are Rare tubes. Tube comes with a protective pin base and housed in a cardboard protective cone and then inserted in a box.
Mullard CV4024 Preamp Tube - Reverb
NOS Mullard CV4024/12AT7WA Preamp Tube in unopened box. Comes with black base which covers and protects the pins. This is an excellent sounding Mil-Spec preamp tube manufactured in Great Britain at the Mullard Mithcham Plant. Low Noise and Long Lasting Box Plate Design. An Excellent Choice for hifi preamps, driver stages, and reverb circuits.
12AT7 | ECC81 | CV4024 Preamp Vacuum Tubes - thetubestore
12AT7 | ECC81 | CV4024 preamp vacuum tubes are in stock and ready to ship! Upgrade your tube amplifier and preamplifier now! Also find reviews and more.
12AT7 | ECC81 | E81CC | ECC801 | 6201 | CV4024 - Tube Amp Doctor
Rich-sounding Reverb Driver - Also Great for HiFi Audio-Systems and Studio Compressors! Low noise tube, selected for best symmetry and balance. A strong driver tube and a wounderfully rich-sounding reverb driver. Also used in the great... The Original US-made mil.
12AT7 / ECC81 / CV4024 / CV455 / A2900 / B739 / ECC801S
The CV4024 / M8162 is a special quality version of the ecc81 / 12AT7. Heater is center tapped to permit operation in series at 12.6V or parallel at 6.3V. These amazing tubes were designed for long life and are shock resistant up to 500g. They were also made to withstand bulb temperatures up to 200 deg C.