CVA-01 Opinions? - Key.Aero
By: Obi Wan Russell - 26th October 2008 at 16:41 Permalink - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00 Forget the rebuilds, when the CVA-01 was designed, Eagle and Ark were still fairly young, Eagle turned 14 in 1965 and Ark Royal Turned 10 in the same year.
WI: HMS Queen Elizabeth (CVA 01) | Page 2 | alternatehistory.com
2024年9月29日 · The official deep load figures were 53,150 tons for the 1952 carrier and 54,650 tons for the final CVA-01 design. Which doesn't add up, given that the later ship was 30 metres longer and somewhat slower - so should have had a fuller hull. Someone was clearly playing games with the definition of 'deep load' on CVA-01.
A better CVA-01 or why didn't Britain simply use the US Designs?
2015年2月11日 · With my previous "Alternate 1966 Defense White Paper" thread i speculated about the RN ending up with 3 CVA-01 class Carriers. Now in regards to wether it would be better to have CVA-01, "Kitty Hawk" class or 2nd hand "Essex's" there was a already a design on the blocks in British ship yards already, that was a clean sheet of paper, and that is ...
Australian CVA-01 | Page 2 | alternatehistory.com
2025年1月3日 · It was contentious indeed and Australia had a long history of disliking the idea. Australia was a increasingly divided society throughout the 1960s. The war in Vietnam was semi-popular but conscription to fight it was not. Soldiers were spat upon on their return from Vietnam and doused with red paint. A CVA-01 without a clear threat was not on.
CVA01 and CVV compared - Key.Aero
2010年4月17日 · CVA-01 should not be viewed in isolation from it's companion design (which ultimately evolved into the Invincibles). The core CVA-01 design was the result of very intense studies of carrier ops with the then new Angled deck carriers, and was the next logical evolution (incorporating the parallell deck concept).
AHC/WI: Royal Navy Receives the CVA-01 and Type 82
2014年7月7日 · The CVA-01 and Type 82 programs would have cost around £275 million more to complete, seeing as one Type 82 (HMS Bristol) and 48 Phantom FG.1 interceptors were purchased. The Buccaneers and other aircraft could come from existing Royal Navy units.
If CVA-01/02 are built, Falklands War happen?
2011年6月17日 · In order to have CVA-01 as part of a balanced RN then Britain's post war economic performance needs to be like that of West Germany. Just about every economic decision since 1945 would have had to have been taken differently and that probably needs POD's going back into the 1920's.
DBWI: CVA-01/TSR-2 Programs cancelled 1966 - alternate history
2016年4月24日 · A force of 3 CVA.01 would have 108 Phantoms and Buccaneers, which fits in better with the FAA's existing front and second-lines, plus the RAF would see it as less of a threat. For aircraft I think they should stick with the real world plans for air groups of 18 Phantoms and 18 Buccaneers, plus 4 AEW and 9 rather than 5 ASW helicopters.
DBWI: CVA-01/TSR-2 Programs cancelled 1966
2016年4月24日 · If only CVA.01 and CVA.02 are built then the requirement is only going to be 12-15 to support a front-line of 8, then I would go for E-2C rather than the HS P.139. IIRC production of the Buccaneer was 20 pre-production, 40 S Mk 1, 84 S Mk 2 for the FAA, 40 S Mk 2 for the RAF plus 12 cancelled, and 3 for the RAE plus one cancelled.
Australian CVA-01 | alternatehistory.com
2025年1月3日 · At the time the Australian Government was one of the Wealthiest in the world. If the Royal Australian Navy had signed for a CVA-01 carrier the odds are that the Buccaneer would have been purchased for it and then the RAAF may have ended up with the same aircraft as opposed to the F-111 which would have been very bad in my opinion as the F-111 was a capability that helped grow the RAAF in ...