California Legislative Information
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California Vehicle Code Section 21802
The driver shall then yield the right-of-way to any vehicles which have approached from another highway, or which are approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard, and shall …
California Vehicle Code § 21802 (2024) - Justia Law
Cal. VEH Code § 21802 - 21802. (a) The driver of any vehicle approaching a stop sign at the entrance to, or within, an intersection shall stop as required by Section 22450. The driver shall then yield the right-of-way to any.
California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 21802 - FindLaw
2023年1月1日 · (a) The driver of any vehicle approaching a stop sign at the entrance to, or within, an intersection shall stop as required by Section 22450.
Vehicle Code § 21800 to 21804 CVC – “Failure to Yield”
Vehicle Code 21801 CVC mandates that drivers turning left, or completing a U-turn, must yield to motorists driving in the opposite direction. Vehicle Code 21802 CVC provides that drivers must stop at intersections with stop signs and yield to motorists already at the intersection.
California Vehicle Code 21802 – (a) The driver of any vehicle ...
(a) The driver of any vehicle approaching a stop sign at the entrance to, or within, an intersection shall stop as required by Section 22450.
Section 21802 - Driver at stop sign at intersection, Cal ... - Casetext
Section 21802 - Driver at stop sign at intersection (a) The driver of any vehicle approaching a stop sign at the entrance to, or within, an intersection shall stop as required by Section 22450.
CA Vehicle Code 21802 – Failure to Stop
California treats CA Vehicle Code 21802 – Failure to Stop as a traffic infraction, not a misdemeanor or a felony. The penalties for this act include fines and a point on your driver’s license.
22450 CVC - Running Stop Sign - California Law & Penalties
Vehicle Code 21802 (a) VC states: The driver of any vehicle approaching a stop sign at the entrance to, or within, an intersection shall stop as required by Section 22450.
California Vehicle Code 21800-21810 - defend-me.com
(1) Any intersection controlled by an official traffic control. signal or yield right-of-way sign. (2) Any intersection controlled by stop signs from less than all. directions. (3) When vehicles are approaching each other from opposite. is making, a left turn. 21801. (a) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left or. reasonable safety.