California Legislative Information
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Vehicle Code § 5201 CVC – Fastening a License Plate - Shouse Law …
Vehicle Code § 5201 CVC is one of California’s statutes on license plates and the display of plates. People commit an offense under this law if they either fail to securely fasten their …
California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 5201 | FindLaw
2023年1月1日 · (c) A covering shall not be used on license plates except as follows: (1) The installation of a cover over a lawfully parked vehicle to protect it from the weather and the …
California Vehicle Code Section 5201 - California.Public.Law
2023年8月19日 · CA Veh Code Section 5201 (a) License plates shall at all times be securely fastened to the vehicle for which they are issued so as to prevent the plates from swinging, …
California Code, Vehicle Code - VEH § 5201.1 - FindLaw
2023年1月1日 · (a) A person shall not sell a product or device that obscures, or is intended to obscure, the reading or recognition of a license plate by visual means, or by an electronic …
California Vehicle Code Section 5201.1 - California.Public.Law
A person shall not sell a product or device that obscures, or is intended to obscure, the reading or recognition of a license plate by visual means, or by an electronic device as prohibited by …
California Vehicle Code Section 5201 - Laws
2018年10月25日 · (c) A casing, shield, frame, border, product, or other device that obstructs or impairs the reading or recognition of a license plate by an electronic device operated by state …
Section 5201 - Attachment and maintenance of license plates
(c) A covering shall not be used on license plates except as follows: (1) The installation of a cover over a lawfully parked vehicle to protect it from the weather and the elements does not …
VC 5201 Obstruction of license plate - California Statutes
VC § 5201. Positioning of plates; Replacement and destruction of temporary license plates; Use of covering
Is traffic violation code 5.201.1 (c) a correctable violation?
2013年4月9日 · The code section you're referring to is 5201.1 (Obscuring the Readability of License Plates). You may want to consider going to court & pleading "Not Guilty." Then …