About OCL Rules
OCL (Object Constraint Language) is a query language originally developed for describing rules for UML models. OCL is managed by Object Management Group (OMG) and it is part of the UML standard. The official specifications can be found from OMG web pages at http://www.omg.org/spec/OCL/ .
Cvc-complex-type Cvc-elt Cvc-id Cvc-identity-constraint Cvc-minexclusive-valid Cvc-mininclusive-valid ... OCL Rules List of OCL Methods Actions - Data creation Simulator General Search Glossary Common Terms and Acronyms Used in Payments Messaging XML / …
cvc-minlength-valid - XMLdation
Error message: Error cvc-minLength-valid: Value '' with length = '0' is not facet-valid with respect to minLength '1' for type 'Max35Text'. How to fix: The reason for this error can be found out by examining the definition of 'Max35Text ' from the schema definition and fixing the value of 'MsgId' to be valid against the definition.
使用OpenCV的OpenCL(ocl)模块 - 苍月代表我 - 博客园
2015年7月2日 · 在OpenCV里,我们把这两种内存封装为cv::Mat和cv::ocl::oclMat结构。 数据调度和传输 OpenCV的OCL模块中,在GPU上进行运算之前我们必须把内存转成GPU可以直接调用的显存。而在GPU上的运算结束后,我们还需要将在GPU显存上的数据转移到CPU可用的内存上。
使用OpenCV的OpenCL(ocl)模块 - CSDN博客
2015年4月28日 · 在具体实现中,通过OpenCV中的ocl模块提供的接口,如cv::ocl::setUseOpenCL()函数,可以方便地开启或关闭OpenCL加速。 程序默认启用 OpenCL 加速,当需要关闭时,只需在键盘上按下'c'键即可。
Reports and Presentations - CVC
2025年2月14日 · CVC is a leading global private markets manager focused on private equity, secondaries, credit and infrastructure with a global network of 30 local offices and €200 billion of assets under management
cv::ocl Namespace Reference - OpenCV
2025年3月12日 · Attaches OpenCL context to OpenCV. Convert OpenCL buffer to UMat. Convert OpenCL image2d_t to UMat.
cvc-type.3.1.3 - XMLdation
Error message: Error cvc-type.3.1.3: The value 'AAA' of element 'PmtMtd' is not valid. How to fix: You have to check the schema definition to see which restrictions are set for the element to be able to fix the issue.
Opencv中使用ocl模块遇到的问题 - CSDN博客
2017年2月6日 · Preface 参加OpenCV的OpenCL模块(以下称OCL)移植工作已经有2个月了。 这里我说移植而不是开发,是因为大部分 OCL 模块 的函数都是从已经很成熟的GPU 模块 移植过来的。
Our People - CVC
CVC is a leading global private markets manager focused on private equity, secondaries, credit and infrastructure with a global network of 30 local offices and €200 billion of assets under management