LabWindows/CVI - Wikipedia
LabWindows/CVI (CVI is short for C for Virtual Instrumentation) is an ANSI C programming environment for test and measurement developed by National Instruments. The program was originally released as LabWindows for DOS in 1987, but was soon revisioned (and renamed) for the Microsoft Windows platform.
LabWindows/CVI入门之第一章:LabWindows/CVI开发环境_cvi …
2016年1月19日 · LabWindows/CVI是美国NI(National Instruments)公司开发的面向计算机测控领域的虚拟仪器软件开发平台,可以在多种操作系统(WindowsXP/Vista/7、Mac OS和Unix)下运行。 LabWindows/CVI 是为C 语言程序员提供的 集成开发环境(IDE),在此开发环境中可以利用C语言及其提供的库函数来实现程序的设计、编辑、编译、链接、调试。 使用LabWindows/CVI 可以完成以下但不限于以下工作: ·为其它程序开发C 目标模块、动态连接库(DLL)、C 语言 …
LabWindows/CVI Download - NI
The LabWindows™/CVI ANSI C integrated programming environment helps you create custom engineering applications. You can use it to manage your project, edit and debug source code, build a user interface, and test code output and performance in one …
LabWindows CVI编程全攻略:从入门到精通-CSDN博客
2024年10月4日 · CVI,全称LabWindows/CVI,是National Instruments推出的一款专业软件开发工具,广泛应用于测试、测量和控制领域。 本章将探讨CVI的基本概念,并介绍如何在CVI环境中搭建开发环境,以及它的主要功能特点。
What Is NI LabWindows™/CVI? - National Instruments
LabWindows/CVI provides a complete ANSI C development environment for creating test and application code. NI recommends using TestStand with LabWindows/CVI to build, deploy, and manage your application code for automated test systems in less time.
C++ code development with CVI - NI Community
2016年1月21日 · Some documents on how to integrate C++ dll into CVI are available on NI website (for example here). But starting from CVI 2013 NI compiler has been replaced by CLANG/LLVM compiler, and this is a C/C++ compiler (http://clang.llvm.org/). Based on this huge modification, can Labwindows/CVI be used to develop C++ code?
LabWindows/CVI is a software development environment for C programmers. LabWindows/CVI provides powerful function libraries and a comprehensive set of software tools for data acquisition, analysis, and presentation that you can use to interactively develop data acquisition and instrument control applications.
Integrating LabWindows™/CVI™ with Microsoft Visual C++ - NI
2024年10月22日 · This article goes through the different options available to use LabWindows/CVI code in a Microsoft Visual Studio C++ project. This article assumes that you have basic C/C++ knowledge to understand the described methods to …
Design of domain-limited CVI reactor for L-shaped C/C structure
2023年7月1日 · Controlling the flow and concentration fields during CVI processing by domain-limited reactors is an effective way to achieve high quality structure during manufacturing. It is imperative to carry out research on the design of complex-shaped and thin-walled C/C structure domain-limited reactor.
LabWindows/CVI - NI
The LabWindows /CVI ANSI C integrated programming environment helps you create custom engineering applications. You can use it to manage your project, edit and debug source code, build a user interface, and test code output and performance in one …
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