Three-phase power analyser CVM-B150-ITF-485-ICT2 - CIRCUTOR
The CVM-B100 and CVM-B150 high-performance units feature a measurement engine that allows the user to analyse many different electrical parameters, in addition to offering a large variety of optional expansion modules for the same unit. Features: Format: 96x96 (CVM B100) and 144x144 (CVM B150) High-resolution VGA colour screen
CVM-B100 and CVM-B150. Designed for energy efficiency
CVM-B100 and CVM-B150 are state-of-the-art power analyzers that are capable of monitoring more than 500 electrical variables and can also efficiently quantify and manage electrical energy consumption. Thanks to its wide range of expansion modules, the analyzer can be adapted to suit all of your needs.
CVM-B Series - Power analyzers for panel | Measurlogic Inc.
The CVM-B100 and CVM-B150 high-performance units feature a measurement engine that allows the user to analyse many different electrical parameters, in addition to offering a large variety of optional expansion modules for the same unit.
Analizador de redes trifásico CVM-B150-ITF-485-ICT2 - CIRCUTOR
CVM-B100 y CVM-B150 son analizadores de redes trifásicos de instalación en panel, con dimensiones de 96 x 96 y 144 x 144 milímetros respectivamente. Ambos disponen de medida …
The CVM-B100 and CVM-B150 high-performance units feature a measurement engine that allows the user to analyse many different electrical parameters, in addition to offering
El CVM-B150 es un equipo que mide, calcula y visualiza los principales parámetros eléctricos en redes monofásicas, de dos fases con y sin neutro, trifásicas equilibradas, con medida en ARON o desequilibradas. La medida se realiza en verdadero valor eficaz, mediante cuatro entradas de tensión CA y cuatro entradas de corriente.
View and Download Circutor CVM-B150-ITF-HF instruction manual online. Power analyzer. CVM-B150-ITF-HF measuring instruments pdf manual download.
er for panels CVM-B150 CVM-B150 Description — High-end power analyzers, versatile and expandable, with 4-quadra. t measurement (Consumption and Generation). Suitable for high and low Voltage installations, since it can process high voltage and curren.
Avera Co., Ltd.
The CVM-B100 and CVM-B150 high-performance units feature a measurement engine that allows the user to analyse many different electrical parameters, in addition to offering a large variety of optional expansion modules for the same unit.
Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted - CIRCUTOR
The CVM-B100 and CVM-B150 units are panel mounted three-phase power analyzers (dimensions: 96x96 and 144x144 mm, respectively). Both offer 4-quadrant measurement (consumption and generation).