Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation Volume Ratio (CVR) …
The Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation Volume Ratio (previously known as Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation (CCAM) Volume Ratio) is a sonographic indicator that has been proposed for the evaluation of fetuses at risk for hydrops and possible intervention.
Fetal Lung Lesions: CPAM, BPS - Lurie Children's
To gauge the size of the CPAM relative to the size of the fetus, the volume is expressed as a ratio to the fetal head circumference known as the CAM-volume-ratio or CVR. The CVR measurement is the best measurement to track the growth of the …
The Utility of the Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation-Volume ...
Two decades ago, the CPAM-volume ratio (CVR) was first described as a tool to predict the development of hydrops, with this outcome found to be unlikely in fetuses with CVRs of ≤1.6 cm2. Since then, no clear international consensus has evolved as to the optimal CVR thresholds for the prediction of fetal/neonatal outcomes.
结果 68例均经产前超声检查发现胎儿胸部实性或高回声肿块,初次发现平均孕周24周 (18~30周),均经2次以上超声检查确诊为BPS.68例胎儿中CVR<1.6者56例 (82.4%);CVR≥1.6者12例 (17.6%),其中7例合并胎儿水肿.除2例CVR≥1.6合并胎儿水肿的孕妇主动要求终止妊娠外,其余66例 ...
Narrative review of congenital lung lesions - PMC
Congenital lung lesions represent a group of anomalies that include congenital pulmonary airway malformations (CPAM), bronchopulmonary sequestrations (BPS), congenital lobar emphysema (CLE) (Figure 1), and bronchogenic cysts (1).
The Utility of the Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation …
2019年10月8日 · Two decades ago, the CPAM-volume ratio (CVR) was first described as a tool to predict the development of hydrops, with this outcome found to be unlikely in fetuses with CVRs of ≤1.6 cm 2. Since then, no clear international consensus has evolved as to the optimal CVR thresholds for the prediction of fetal/neonatal outcomes.
The Effect of Steroids on Prenatally Diagnosed Lung Lesions
2024年5月1日 · We evaluated the effects of prenatal steroids on congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM)-volume-ratio (CVR), distinguishing change in CVR among CPAMs, bronchopulmonary sequestrations (BPS), and bronchial atresias. We also correlated fetal ultrasound and MRI findings with pathology to determine the accuracy of prenatal diagnosis.
Prenatal Growth Characteristics and Pre/Postnatal Management of ...
Three premature infants (mean GA: 33.8 weeks; range: 32.0 – 35.5 weeks) with an intralobar BPS had respiratory symptoms at birth. Peak CVR was not significantly higher among these patients versus patients without respiratory symptoms (0.53 vs. 0.49, P …
Congenital Lung Lesion: Prenatal Course, Therapy and ... - PubMed
CPAM without mediastinal shift and BPS without hydrops have an excellent prognosis. Hydrothorax, increasing CVR or hydrops indicates a high risk for perinatal morbidity and mortality.
510 Congenital pulmonary airway malformations and …
Congenital pulmonary airway malformations (CPAM) and bronchopulmonary sequestrations (BPS) are residual masses of embryonic lung bud anomalies that can be detected on prenatal ultrasound. When indicated, postnatal resection is performed to alleviate respiratory symptoms or prevent recurrent pneumonias.
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