21世界的美国海军力量支柱: 福特级航空母舰(之一) - 知乎
美国海军PMS 387办公室负责进行CVX计画的选择分析(Analysis of Alternatives,AOA)研究,要求跳脱过去几十年来美国海军设计、运用航母的经验,回归原点从最基础的需求设定开始(包含核心的作战能力、生存性、任务适应性、未来成长潜力、经济可承受性等),重新检视航空母舰的基本设计,拟定未来美国航母的最佳构型。 CVX 选择分析(AOA)研究. CVX AOA概念研究分为三个阶段,从1996财年执行到1999年。
Future USN Aircraft Carrier Analysis of Alternatives
2009年3月18日 · This paper summarizes the total ship studies developed for the AOA, describes the ship system performance and total ownership cost of these alternatives, and discusses the rationale for determining some of the primary system requirements.
The starting point for the AOA is a broad statement, known as the Mission Need Statement (MNS) , of the functional requirements for a new carrier. The CVX MNS calls for improvements in core capabilities of aircraft carriers: com- bat capability, survivability, adaptability, and …
Aircraft Carriers: Bigger Is Better | Proceedings - September 2020 …
In CVX’s Analysis of Alternatives (AOA) for the new carrier in 1998, DoD examined three sizes of aircraft carriers and embarked air wings: 1) a small carrier with 40 aircraft, 2) a medium carrier with 60 aircraft, and 3) a large carrier with 80.
CVX Next Generation Aircraft Carrier - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · Based on the cost and performance criteria developed for both Parts 1 and 2 of the AoA, the U.S. Navy has already committed CVX to be of nuclear propulsion and to have a flight deck that will...
Future USN Aircraft Carrier Analysis of Alternatives - ResearchGate
2000年5月1日 · This paper summarizes the total ship studies developed for the AOA describes the ship system performance and total ownership cost of these alternatives, and discusses the rationale for...
Future USN Aircraft Carrier Analysis of Alternatives - Ingenta …
2000年5月1日 · In March 1996, the Department of Defense established a new program, then known as CVX, to develop a new class of aircraft carrier that would eventually replace the Nimitz class. The first step in the concept develop was exploring a wide range of alternative design concepts in a formal study known as an Analysis of Alternatives (AOA), which ...
isomer 的想法: 美海军最后论证的结果是ECBL,舰岛前置布 …
cvnx在cvx aoa报告中总共得出三个结论: 第一,运用ctol好于运用stovl。 第二,运用大型航母好于中小型航母。 第三,运用新型核反应堆可以降低20%的成本达到海军要求。
美海军新一代航母的方案论证及其设计研究-【维普期刊官网】- 中 …
摘要 本文主要介绍了美国新一代航母(CVX)整个方案论证(AOA)的全面情况,其中包括舰船整体性能,造价和确定一些主要系统性能的理论依据,并对近70多艘舰艇的设计特点进行了研究,其中包括舰载机的数量和类型,动力系统,机动性能和... 展开更多 本文主要介绍了美国新一代航母(CVX)整个方案论证(AOA)的全面情况,其中包括舰船整体性能,造价和确定一些主要系统性能的理论依据,并对近70多艘舰艇的设计特点进行了研究,其中包括舰载机的数量和类型,动 …
CVX Next Generation Aircraft Carrier - GlobalSecurity.org
These designs will be used for analysis of alternatives (AoA) studies, being directed by the Center of Naval Analysis, which are required to transition a new ship program to Milestone I (MS I)...
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