CVX-300 Excimer laser system - Philips
The CVX-300 excimer laser system’s clinical versatility, high clinical success, low adverse events and well-established reimbursement helps you to safely treat more complex conditions in vascular intervention and lead management procedures.
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准分子激光系统 - Philips
cvx-300 是一套准分子激光系统,经批准用于心血管系统的微创介入手术,以及用 于取出有问题的起搏器和除颤器心脏导线。 CVX-300 产生脉冲准分子辐射,并通过
Philips Laser System — Nexcimer | Philips Healthcare
Philips laser catheters are indicated in many vessel types and is the only laser system available for lead removal. Powered by a common 100-240V electrical outlet, the system warms up in less than 30 seconds for an easy and fast set-up.
CVX-300 - Philips Volcano - 准分子 / 推车式 / 微秒 - MedicalExpo
CVX-300 准分子激光系统可通过各种飞利浦激光导管进行光消融,以清除粘连的动脉斑块。 适用治疗 清除冠状动脉和外周血管中的粥样斑块、纤维化、钙化、血栓和新生血管增生等病变,以及经静脉清除有问题的起搏和除颤导线。 外周手术 CVX-300 可用于以下外周手术:治疗腹股沟下动脉狭窄和闭塞;严重肢体缺血 (CLI);可由导丝穿过的全闭塞。 冠状动脉手术 CVX-300 可用于以下冠状动脉手术:中度钙化狭窄;闭塞的大隐静脉旁路移植;长期弥漫性病变;在使用血管内支架 …
手术激光仪 - CVX-300 - Spectranetics - 斑块旋切术 / 准分子 / 推 …
唯一获得PMA批准的准分子激光系统和一次性导管,用于治疗周围和冠状动脉疾病。 光消融是利用光来分解、汽化和清除物质。 CVX-300准分子激光系统有利于通过各种飞利浦激光导管进行光消融,以去除结合动脉斑块。 适应性治疗 清除冠状动脉和外周血管中由动脉粥样斑块、纤维化、钙、血栓和新内膜增生组成的病变,以及经静脉清除有问题的起搏器和除颤器导线。 周边程序 CVX-300可用于以下外周手术:治疗腹股沟狭窄和闭塞;严重肢体缺血(CLI);可通过导丝穿过 …
Philips - ELCA Coronary laser atherectomy catheter
Powered by a common 100-240V electrical outlet, the system warms up in less than 30 seconds for an easy and fast set-up. The only PMA approved excimer laser system and disposable catheters for the treatment of coronary arterial disease. CVX-300 is also indicated for use in the treatment of peripheral arterial disease.
The CVX-300 is an excimer laser system approved for use in minimally invasive interventional procedures within the cardiovascular system, and for the removal of problematic pacemaker and defibrillator cardiac leads.
Coronary Intervention with the Excimer Laser: Review of the …
This study included 66 patients and sought to demonstrate safety and feasibility. They used optimal lasing technique (saline flushing with slow advancement [0.2–0.5 mm/second]) using the CVX-300 Excimer laser system and treated the majority of lesions with a laser-stent strategy (only two patients required balloon angioplasty prior to stenting).
中山医院心内科:新一代准分子激光斑块消蚀技术治疗复杂冠脉病 …
2017年4月7日 · ELCA激光机(CVX-300 Spectranetics®)及直径为0.9 mm快速交换型激光导管(X80)和头端放大。紫外激光光线被血管内物质吸收并破坏碳-碳双键(光化学效应)。这使得细胞内液温度升高,从而导致细胞破裂并在导管前端产生蒸汽气泡(光热效应)。
The use of excimer laser for complex coronary artery lesions
Advances in delivery systems for laser energy using the xenon-chlorine pulsed laser catheter deliver higher energy density with lower heat production. The Spectranetics CVX-300 (Spectranetics, Colorado Springs, CO, USA) excimer laser catheter system has been used for the treatment of complex coronary lesions.