Valve Pressure Ratings - Valve engineering | Eng-Tips
2014年1月9日 · The CWP rating means Cold Working Pressure, i.e. below 38C and is in psi. Hence temperatures above this you need to check with the vendor. These tend to be instrument systems and hydraulics where having a high rating costs pennies more than a lower rated valve, but pressures of 3-5,000 psi are not uncommon.
WOG or CWP Valve for Steam 1 - Eng-Tips
2001年6月28日 · Four have a CWP rating (1500 psi) and the other a WOG rating (2000 psi). The deaerator has twin 25 psi relief valves and contains water and steam used for spray type deaeration. The spec sheets on the valves list a max operating temp of 450F and 380F.
Threaded Ball Valve Class 2000 vs 3000 CWP - Eng-Tips
2015年8月14日 · I am from the gas industry, and in general a THREADED ball valve has the following pressure ratings, assuming it meets ANSI B16.11: 2000 psig (or 2000#), 3000 psig, or 6000 psig. 2000 psig is referred to as "standard", 3000 psig is extra strong or XS, 6000 psig is double extra strong XXS.
valve ratings need explaining - Pipelines, Piping and Fluid …
2002年6月30日 · A valve listed as 150 CWP is not the same as 150#. For a carbon steel valve at 100°F the 150# valve will have a P-T rating of 285 psi, the 150 CWP valve will have a rating of 150 psi. It can get quite confusing...
Pressure Testing Pipework (CWP / DP and WP) - Eng-Tips
2023年7月19日 · CWP is just another version of the flange or valve rating used in B16.5 There's no correlation between that and testing in water, though the valve castings may have been tested at the vendors works - check out the data sheet and test records for the valve.
PN 20, 50 Flange Dimensions - ISO Standards & Certifications
2012年2月9日 · If I understand correctly, PN 16 (CWP=232 psi) and lower flanges can be used on ASME Class 150 (CWP=275 psi) Valves. PN 25 (363 psi) & 40 (580 psi) on ASME Class 300 (CWP=720 psi). PN 64 (CWP=928 psi) on ASME Class 600 (CWP=1480 psi)... What DIN Standard specifies the valve wall thickness based on PN pressure rating?
PRV spring range - Valve engineering | Eng-Tips
2019年1月9日 · For a relief valve to be set at a pressure which is on the higher side for the given spring range, the spring is comparatively soft for the given set pressure load. This can cause the valve to achieve an early lift and longer blow down. Conversely if the spring is comparatively stiff, the valve might have shorter lift and short blow down.
Valve engineering | Eng-Tips
2025年2月28日 · Eng-Tips is the largest engineering community on the Internet Intelligent Work Forums for Engineering Professionals
Tilting Disc Check vs Swing Check Valve - Valve engineering - Eng …
2007年7月10日 · However, Priya, correct valve selection should always be based on the application. For standard non-return applications a tilting disc or dual plate check valve will do. For more critical applications (e.g. to protect expensive rotating equipment or potential risk of waterhammer) an axial or non-slam check valve type is recommended.
Phase Rotation-CW/CCW - Electric power & transmission ... - Eng …
2001年6月9日 · Suggestions marked ///\\\: Can someone please explain the concept of phase rotation. ///It is better to refer to the phase rotation as to phase sequence since there are phase sequence meters, relays, etc. The phase "rotation" is …