Ovation CYC 1 FC - CHAUVET Professional
Ovation CYC 1 FC is an incredibly sleek, discreet, and light weight CYC that delivers a wide, smooth field of light with significant reach. Completely convection cooled, the unit is ideal for applications where silent operation is critical. Ovation Cyc 1 FC features the advanced RGBAL color-mixing system found in our other Full Color Ovation
AUROCYC 180 HEX IP is an innovative IP65 CYC, with full spectrum color LEDs optic, superb even color mixing, and it comes with Yajiang Patented CCS3.0 intelligent color consistency system, bulit-in 1800K-10000K high CRI CCT and 48 special selected colors.
Virtuoso 700 CYC IP HEX - Prolight Concepts (UK) Ltd
The Virtuoso 700 CYC IP is an IP65 rated CYC/footlight designed for film, theatre, and TV productions. With its high CRI and homogenous output, it delivers exceptional colour accuracy and even field illumination. Equipped with a powerful 180W RGBALC LED array, it offers a wide range of vibrant colours.
CYC 1083 SI-150
CYC 1083是一款防水等级为IP65的LED天地排,使用108颗3W优质高显指数LED灯珠,稳定性高,配合高效率的透镜,亮度出众,可有RGB,暖白,正白,暖白/正白,UV版本可选。 两种颜色可单独调光,创新性的将钨丝灯效果和日光效果有效结合,色温从3200K到5600K可调。 种种独特的特征赋予此款灯具优越的色彩再现功能,比传统的灯具更具灵活性。 此款灯具的外壳由坚固耐用的压铸铝合金组成,体积小重量轻,可用于户外室内各种影视摄影,面光灯。
iBar 15™ | Multisource LED IP65 | Linear (CYC) - ROBE Lighting
iBar 15™ is a lightweight static IP65 rated 1.000 mm linear bar which uses 15 equally spaced new generation of 30% brighter 15W RGBW multichip LEDs for enhanced 18-bit smooth colour mixing and linear dimming without RGB ’breakup’ or grey shadows.
常见IP65、IP66和IP67、IP68防护等级外壳详解 - 知乎
用于容纳室内电气设备的电气柜和接线盒通常指定为 ip65,例如sn 系列钢箱,但如果没有冲洗,ip45 等级可能就足够了。 如果要将电子设备安装在机柜内,则这些电子设备可能会安装在 IP66 机柜中,这些机柜密封防尘和防潮。
Showtec Performer Cyc Q6
The Showtec Performer Cyc Q6 is a silent 180 W RGBALC Cyclorama Wash with high CRI, suitable for theaters and film/photo studios. It is often used to create the illusion of air, open space or great distance in the back of the stage.
The Virtuoso 700 CYC IP is an IP65 rated CYC/footlight designed for film, theatre, and TV productions. With its high CRI and homogenous output, it delivers exceptional colour accuracy and even illumination.
Virtuoso 700 CYC IP Hex - Elumen8 | CPC
The Virtuoso 700 CYC IP is an IP65 rated CYC/footlight designed for film, theatre, and TV productions. With its high CRI and homogenous output, it delivers exceptional colour accuracy and even field illumination. Equipped with a powerful 180W RGBALC LED array, it offers a wide range of vibrant colours.
iTetra2™ | Multisource LED IP65 | Linear (CYC) Wash - ROBE Lighting
The IP65-rated iTETRA2™ retains all the qualities and features of its highly successful indoor brother, adding Robe’s groundbreaking, self-managing, low-maintenance ingress protection technology, allowing outdoor use of this classic fixture by removing the threat of rain, dust, humidity, smoke or haze damage, even in the harshest conditions.
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