CZ-75B Conversion Barrels | Handguns and Ammunition Forum
2007年5月11日 · Howdy folks, I wanted to mention a new soon to be source for conversion barrels for the CZ-75B pistols. I have been dealing with a well known barrel manufacturer in an attempt to purchase their 357 Sig barrel for my 75B in 40. The short version is when I ordered my barrel back in mid...
CZ Tactical Sport in .357 SIG | Handguns and Ammunition Forum
2009年9月26日 · When I saw the .357 SIG version in the video, I thought, if I lived in the States and was allowed to use expanding ammunition, I'd seriously consider this gun as a home defense gun. 16 or 17 rounds of .357 SIG (16 according to cz-usa.com, 17 according to czub.cz ) from a very shootable gun with a 5.4" barrel is as comforting (at least to me) as ...
Question on fitting a SDI Bar-Sto barrel
2007年2月16日 · Jim Miossi @ Miossi Gun Works did my CZ-75B 40 S&W. We used his new "hard" sear and the "Angus" Hobnell hammer. Both much harder than the factory parts. He did an action job on it while installing the sear and hammer. GREAT trigger pull and 100% reliable. Jim can be reached at Miossi Gun Works. He specializes on CZ's.
Doubletap-.357 sig-125 gr. | Handguns and Ammunition Forum
Doubletaps .357 sig-125 gr. ammo! Here's what Doubletap says about this ammos ballistics-.357 Sig 125gr. Bonded Defense™ JHP 20rds. $22.50 Click to enlarge For those that love the .357 Sig, we have the perfect loading for you! The .357 Sig was developed to match the .357 Magnum in speed and power using a 125gr. bullet (1450fps).
Converting a HP to 357 Sig | Page 2 | Handguns and Ammunition …
2009年11月29日 · Converting a HP to 357 Sig. 4436 Views 35 Replies 15 Participants Last post by weshowe, Dec 23, ...
.357 SIG or .40 S&W for Personal Protection?
2007年2月19日 · For some time I have advocated the Cor-Bon 135 grain JHP as possibly the best personal defense round available for the .40 S&W (it's what I carry). It gives an honest 1,375 to 1,389 FPS is my CZ-75B and my BHP. Accuracy is excellent, as is functioning. Prefrontal diameter begins with .4 and expansion with fragmentation is to be expected.
Range Report: CZ 75B (40) ; SP-01 (9)
2007年6月25日 · Advanced Search Cancel ...
Converting a HP to 357 Sig | Handguns and Ammunition Forum
2009年11月29日 · I was at the range yesterday and there was a slew of 357 Sig cases on the ground. I did not pick them up but it got me thinking that I had read a thread or two that you can convert a Hi Power to that caliber. Is this feasible and if so where can I get the parts? What's involved? Also, is the...
.357 Sig Hi-Powers | Handguns and Ammunition Forum
2007年4月30日 · Gents, As you noted in earlier posts I had tested the .357 SIG in my FN Hi-Power .40 S & W. Initial tests were very positive using the EFK Firedragon barrel and the pistol ran 100%. Have returned the "loaner" barrel to it's rightful owner as my own EFK barrel arrived a week ago (Thanks...
Reloading the .357 SIG | Handguns and Ammunition Forum
2007年3月3日 · All this posting about .357 Sig handloads made me sit down in front of my old RCBS Rockchucker and assemble a 50 round box of .357 loaded with a Winchester 95 gr FMJ-FP bullet that is intended for the .380 ACP. I loaded this 95 grainer over 13.0 grs of AA#7. This is a load that I don't think that you will find in any published manual.