Trying to get some info on my dad’s CZ J 37 it’s a 380 - The Firing ...
2012年2月16日 · What you actually have is a CZ 24 in .380. The 37 was either an adoption date or a production date of the pistol but there was no model 37 made by CZ. There was a CZ 38, …
ZB-53 - Wikipedia
Adopted before World War II by the armies of Czechoslovakia (as Těžký kulomet vz. 37, heavy machine gun model 37) and Romania, it was also license-built in the United Kingdom as the Besa machine gun.
ZB37式重機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ZB37式重機槍 (ZB vz.37)和 ZB26式輕機槍 也同為捷克布魯諾兵工廠的出品,vz.37為一種氣冷式重機槍,其外銷型又名M53重機槍,vz.37在捷克被德國合併後也為德軍所用,中國 國民政府 曾在1937年 抗日戰爭 爆發後訂購1,000挺,但只有850挺成功經香港和仰光運交,用於 ...
ZB37: Czechoslovakia’s Super-Heavy Machine Gun
6 天之前 · The ZB37 began in 1930 as a design by none other than classic Czech arms designer Vaclav Holek. The Czechoslovakian military was still using the Schwarzlose heavy MG, and wanted something to replace it. To fill all the roles intended, there would eventually be three different models of the ZB37 – one for infantry, one for fortresses, and one for vehicle mounting. Note that the factory ...
Zbrojovka ZB vz. 37 (ZB-53) Heavy Machine Gun (HMG)
2016年9月15日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Zbrojovka ZB vz. 37 (ZB-53) Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) including pictures.
ZB37: Czechoslovakia's Super-Heavy Machine Gun - YouTube
6 天之前 · All the best firearms history channels streaming to all major devices:weaponsandwar.tvThe ZB37 began in 1930 as a design by none other than classic Czech arm...
ZB-37 Machinegun: Shootable history - SOFREP
2017年4月29日 · The ZB-37 is a machine gun with an odd and legacy. Once called on by Czechoslovakia to defend its borders, it was pressed into service by the very Army that it was meant to defend the Czechs from.
捷克斯洛伐克轻武器发展史-「步枪篇解析」 - 哔哩哔哩
新款的改进型806步枪就是针对上述的前两者进行改良的,在CZ-806步枪的设计中,原本的可更替性弹匣井取消了,其铝合金机匣也被改成了挤压成型这样的更优工艺,并且还减低0.5千克整枪重量和新增了一套重新设计的上膛机,这些改进使得设计完毕的806步枪拥有 ...
CZ All Models :: Gun Values by Gun Digest
CZ regularly exports 90 percent of its production to over 80 countries.&break;&break;NOTE: As of 1998, CZ firearms have been imported exclusively by CZ-USA, a wholly-owned distribution subsidiary of Ceska Zbrojovka a.s. Uhersky Brod, (CZUB) of the Czech Republic.
ZB 37 (t) HMG » Dunkirk 1940 - The Before, The Reality, The …
The ZB 37 was designed as a replacement for the Schwarzlose HMG used by the Austro-Hungarian forces in WW1. It was designed by Václav Holek (also responsible for the ZB26 & 30's on which the British Bren is based) and Miroslav Rolclk at …