My custom CZ-83 w/threaded barrel - Gun and Game Forum
2012年9月26日 · It is a CZ-83, not CZ-82, former police issue from the Czech Republic. I converted it to DAO to be able to lock the slide with the safety, a laser cut Delrin firing pin retainer to eliminate hammer slap noise and a match threaded barrel in stainless.
Rechambering a "new" Walther PPK from .380 ACP to .32 ACP
2023年12月5日 · here is a comparison picture of a CZ 82 (9x18) a Beretta 81, (.32 acp) and a Makarov. (9x18) the Beretta is the sexiest looking, but the CZ is more comfortable to shoot and is my favorite concealed carry pistol. shooting the .32 in a pistol the size of the Berretta 81 feels like shooting a .22 rimfire out of a full size pistol. almost 0 recoil and …
Does anyone have a modern Walther PPk? | Gun and Game Forum
2023年12月22日 · Well, i decided to "bite" on the Bersa Thunder Nickel .380 ACP, 3.5 barrel, 8-rounds, fixed sights. I'll be ordering it from "Grab-A-Gun" and will pay about $345.00 all told. I almost bought a used Walther PPK/s for about $610.00 but decided that the new Bersa will compliment my double -stack CZ-83 (also in 9mm Browning) quite handily. Thanks ...
Czech Firearms - Gun and Game Forum
2003年11月3日 · CZ-75,CZ-52, VZ-52/57 and all Czech firearms in this forum ... My custom CZ-83 w/threaded barrel. dartamon ...
CZ83 for female shooter? | The High Road
2004年10月14日 · My wife is starting to get interested in target shooting and would like to try another caliber than .22lr. I'm a bit of a CZ nut, so I'm wondering if this is a good excuse to get a CZ83 in .38ACP. She's 5'3" with normal sized hands, good hand strength to rack the slide, and she's left handed...
CZ 82 shoulder holster | Gun and Game Forum
2009年2月7日 · I may have found a satisfactory holster for my CZ 82. It fits right in and the snap closes, snugly holding the pistol in the holster. The draw is nice and smooth as well. I carried it today with my CZ 82, and it didn't seem to get in the way of …
Colt 380 Jam - Gun and Game Forum
2010年10月27日 · It occurred to me that I once accidently induced failure to feed in my CZ-83 by jimmying up the feed lips of one magazine. The .380 is a bit small for my big fingers to work with easily. I finally got the feed lips back to where they should be but now I use a Safariland Magazine Speedloader and haven't had a repeat problem.
Cz-82 | The High Road
2008年9月3日 · I received my CZ-82 today, and took it out for a looksy. The hammer doesn't look like it sits all the way forward. I haven't had a chance to fire it yet, so it may mean nothing. Is this normal for CZ-82's? Single and Double Action work fine, and …
Good caliber for learning how to deal with recoil? | The High Road
2011年4月18日 · I am still pretty new to handguns. For years I exclusively shot my .22 rifle, but last weekend I started shooting my Arminius HW7 (.22LR double action...
Looking for a Handgun for < $200 | The High Road
2012年3月10日 · My 25 year old son wants a handgun for his birthday. He didn't specify what, but I know most young 'uns prefer semi-autos.