CZ’s twin port 250 and 360 were the final nails in the coffins of the four stroke behemoths when the Czech factory rewrote motocross history in the mid 1960s. The twin port 250 was a replica of CZ’s own works GP bike, yet marked the close of one era for CZ as the new 360cc set the factories rules of motocross motorcycle technology for the ...
CZ Motorbikes for Sale - Car and Classic
Looking to buy a CZ Motorbike? Complete your search today at Car & Classic where you will find the largest and most diverse collection of classics in Europe.
CZ Motocross Bikes For Sale
CZ Motocross Bikes For Sale. ... 1973 CZ 400cc Type 981 Down Pipe Aluminium Tank. SOLD – 1965 CZ 175cc Type 971 Enduro Side Pipe 5 Gears. SOLD – 1965 CZ 360cc Type 969/0 Twin Port (400cc) SOLD – 1972 CZ 250cc. SOLD – 1973 CZ 250cc. SOLD – 1973 CZ 250cc. SOLD – 1973 CZ 250cc Enduro.
CZ Motorcycles - Vintage CZ Motocross Bikes, Parts & Apparel
Known for their powerful two-stroke mx bikes, learn the history of CZ motorcycles. Vintage CZ motocross bikes, parts and CZ apparel for sale.
Hem - CZ Motocross
1964 CZ 250cc Type 968 Twin Pipe Magnesium Engine. 25 June, 2018. 1971-72 CZ 125cc Type 984. 19 July, 2022. 1973 CZ 250cc “Factory bike” ...
CZ Moto-cross Motorcycles
2011年9月1日 · The first CZ 250 moto-cross bike (type 968) imported to the United States featured fiberglass gas tank and fenders, formed aluminum airbox, and sand cast magnesium engine cases. These 250’s produced a reported 27 HP at 6000 rpm. In 1965 the 250cc world moto-cross championship was won by Russian CZ rider Victor Arbekov.
Models of CZ Motorcycles - Bike.net
Check out photos, reviews and more about the most popular models of CZ motorcycles.
About CZ Motocross
This advanced bike, with double overhead camshaft, 16 valves, 8-speed gearbox, Ceriani forks and Dell’Orto SSI carburetors, produced 63 horsepower (47 kW) at 16,000 rpm with a maximum speed of 240 km/h.
CZ Moto-cross Motorcycles
The CZ 250 works bike of 1975 built on the success of the 1974. The air shocks were laid down giving about 8.5 inches of rear wheel travel. Factory riders Jaroslav Falta and Zdenek Velky of Czechoslovakia both won grand prix on these bikes in 1975.
CZ Moto-cross Motorcycles
1983 CZ 250 works bike (typ ???-83) The 83 works 250 featured refinements over the 82 version. New porting delivered more power at a lower engine speed (43 hp at 7,700 rpm).
Home | Qayron Bike
Naše česká trail kola zvládnou vše. Brázdit silnice i polní cesty! Tak přesně to si můžeš zažít s našimi vyladěnými gravel modely. S dobrým výkonem a kondicí se můžeš postavit na startovní čáru. Pokud chceš pomýšlet na vítězství, tak na trati musíš nechat daleko víc. Efektivní při šlapání a rychlé na technickém sjezdu plném kořenů a kamenů.
vintage bike of the day: cz motorcycles - bikerMetric
CZ built their first motorcycle in 1932 and called it the “Kaktus,” because the 76cc single-cylinder motor looked like a cactus. Before the war, CZ created motorcycles for the Vatican that were gold plated. It was an interesting model for a manufacturer marketed as a builder of inexpensive and sturdy bikes for the people.
Cz Motocross Motorcycles for sale - SmartCycleGuide.com
1973 Classic Cheney Triumph 750 5-speed Works Motocross Racer Street Legal...
Největší web o kolech - Bikeforum.cz
Výhledy, jezera, ebike i enduro traily. To vše jsme vyzkoušeli v okolí Interlakenu a stálo to za to. 13. 3. 2025 0. Kellys představil vylepšený model e-biku ze své nejvyšší řady. Theos F60 dostal pro letošek větší baterii a několik dalších vylepšení. Pojďme se na ně podívat. Jaké vložky do treter? Údržba, servis,... 39.
Jízdní kola | NEWBIKE.cz
V tomto článku Vám představíme ty nejzásadnější změny, které BOSCH připravil pro rok 2025. Pro rok 2024 připravila značka Kross nové karbonové modely gravel kol s označením RS. Jak vybrat kolo? Jakou zvolit velikost rámu? Potřebujete poradit? Nabízíme jízdní kola i elektrokola kvalitních a prověřených značek za skvělé ceny.
CZ`s & MZ`s and all that - Bike Chat Forums
The bike CZ should have built was the CZ 350-472/638 with the full power 34 HP motor. They didn't but others have done so as cafe racers. Whilst just about capable of pushing past the "Ton" in the 361 Pound Jawa frame, in the 291 Pound CZ twin frame it is a lot faster.
Giant Bicycles | Přední světový výrobce jízdních kol a cyklistického ...
Oficiální české stránky značky Giant Bicycles. Najdete zde katalog kol, elektrokol a doplňků, vyhledávač prodejců a spoustu dalších užitečných informací.
CZ Rebuild - Page 2 - Vintage Dirt Bikes - ThumperTalk
2018年1月3日 · Charlie builds great CZ engines. Mine is also a 250 and if you’re going AHRMA racing (Your bike will be legal with travel limiters), you might want to consider his full blown engine build. It includes a reed valve setup, extensive porting, and …
Leader Fox - vyrobeno v České republice
Leader Fox designs and creates mountain, cross, trekking, kids, adult tri-cycles and wide range of e-bikes. Leader Fox company sells thousands of bikes annualy through stores and via e-shops mainly in the Czech Republic and EU countries. We adapt to your needs.
CZ Motorräder - bikez.net
34 CZ Motorradmodelle mit technischen Daten und Bildern.