Hem - CZ Motocross
1973 CZ 400cc Type 981 Down Pipe Aluminium Tank. 10 May, 2018. SOLD – 1965 CZ 175cc Type 971 Enduro Side Pipe 5 Gears. 16 June, 2018. SOLD – 1965 CZ 360cc Type 969/0 Twin Port (400cc) 20 June, 2018. SOLD – 1972 CZ 250cc. 23 May, 2018. SOLD – 1973 CZ 250cc. 18 May, 2018. SOLD – 1973 CZ 250cc.
CZ Moto-cross Motorcycles
2011年9月1日 · The CZ Model C could be considered the grandfather of the CZ moto-cross motorcycle. These machines featured 125cc & 150cc engines with 3 speed transmissions. The basic engine design was retained until 1956 at which point the CZ roadster switched to a Jawa designed and built engine.
About CZ Motocross
Motorcycle development and production as well as competition victories in 1950s and 1960s enabled the ČZ brand to be among the world’s most successful makers of competition and street motorcycles. After World War II, ČZ was the second largest motorcycle manufacturer in Europe.
Smart solutions of traffic control systems | Cross
We transform ordinary cities into smart cities. We make sure that parking is easy, passage is faster, roads and motorways are not overloaded and that it is possible to control traffic …
CZ Motocross Bikes For Sale
SOLD – 1965 CZ 175cc Type 971 Enduro Side Pipe 5 Gears. SOLD – 1965 CZ 360cc Type 969/0 Twin Port (400cc) SOLD – 1972 CZ 250cc. SOLD – 1973 CZ 250cc. SOLD – 1973 CZ 250cc. SOLD – 1973 CZ 250cc Enduro. SOLD – 1973 CZ 250cc Type 980. Call us (Technical questions are answered by phone) Phone: +46 8 974050
CZ 74 MX Special. Limited production light weight special was first available in March 1974 - weighing in at just 213 lbs (compared to the standard 231 lbs) read more. Fork rebuilds , servicing. Frame repairs. Complete bike rebuilds......
Inteligentní řešení dopravních systémů | Cross
Nejmodernější technologie a trendy v oblasti ITS pochází od nás. 200+ zaměstnanců, 50+ vývojářů, vlastní vývojové centrum, unikátní projekty po celém světě. Děláme chytrá města a …
O Společnosti - Cross Zlín
Od Japonska po Brazílii a od Norska po Tanzánii. Začínali jsme ve Zlíně, dnes naše technologie pomáhají zlepšovat dopravu po celém světě. Díky nepřetržitému helpdesku, pečlivému servisu, vlastnímu vývoji a zkušenostem z nadnárodních projektů se na CROSS můžete vždy spolehnout.
CZ Motorcycles - Vintage CZ Motocross Bikes, Parts & Apparel
Known for their powerful two-stroke mx bikes, learn the history of CZ motorcycles. Vintage CZ motocross bikes, parts and CZ apparel for sale.
Amazon.com: Cubic Zirconia Cross
Sterling Silver Cross Cubic Zirconia CZ Fashion Pendant Necklace for Women 16 inch (Yellow Gold Flashed, Rhodium Plated)