CZ 2075 RAMI Problems - AR15.COM
2019年7月20日 · With the CZ 2075 RAMI, It's been to the range twice. Roughly 400 rounds have been fired out of it, using two different types of ammo.. Speer Lawman, 147gr TMJ's and Winchester NATO 124gr FMJ. Our of roughly 400 rounds, I would say the gun has gotten jammed up in a few ways while chambering between 15 and 20 times.
CZ RAMI FTF - Picky about ammo? - AR15.COM
2020年3月18日 · So glad you posted. I have RAMI BD as well and while having no issues with multiple FMJ brands (mostly CCI made) found that hollow points from SIG365, SIG Elite V Crown and PPU Self Defense all would FTB on the 3rd or 4th round in 3 different CZ 14-rd mags. The HP's were all stoving on the feed-ramp lip. I recleaned feed ramp and still no-dice.
Clone of a CZ Rami - AR15.COM
2020年2月14日 · Not that I am aware of. I looked for one about 6 months back and settled on a used Smith and Wesson 3913 ls. The TriStar c100 is a clone of the cz75 compact and is a bit lighter at 24
What do I need to know about the CZ Rami? - AR15.COM
2017年10月27日 · Important note, the RAMI is NOT based on the traditional CZ-75, as you will note - the grip is 1911 style with two grip screws. The big brother to the RAMI is the Colt Z-40, which morphed into the CZ 40B after the deal between CZ Colt felt through. Two enterprising designers at CZ looked at it and said, gee, what would that look like as a ...
CZ RAMI vs 75 Compact vs Bersa Thunder 9??? - AR15.COM
2005年7月5日 · After reading these CZ threads, I'm thinking that might be the way to go but it appears I can pick up a Thunder 9 for ~$100 less than the RAMI or 75 Compact and based on my experiance with the Thunder 380 it seems like a better way to go.
2075 RAMI Staked Front Sight Removal - AR15.COM
2019年7月30日 · Handguns » CZ Pistols And Clones. Site Notices ... [ARCHIVED THREAD] - 2075 RAMI Staked Front Sight Removal.
P01 vs. PCR vs. Rami for Carry - AR15.COM
2018年12月21日 · The shorter barrel of the RAMI and 10 round magazine seemed like the better fit for what I wanted vs. the PCR or P-01. Although I have found the RAMI a bit thick for AIWB (YMMV), the flush fit 10 round magazine is significantly more concealable than the 14 round extended version even at 4:00 IWB.
CZ Rami vs Springfield XDS vs S&W M&P Shield -9mm - AR15.COM
2015年10月12日 · Rami, haven't shot so IDK, but hey i might as well pack p07 at that weight. Yeah Rami is smaller but only .11 lbs lighter and .1ish inches narrower. Xds and p07 for IWB, Glock 17 for OWB/OC.
CZ 2075 'Rami' for $399 NIB pull the trigger or not... - AR15.COM
2009年12月19日 · I don't personally know about the 2075, as I don't have a RAMI; I've considered one, but don't feel like ponying up the cash when I already have several CCW pieces I am very happy with. At $400, though, I would have picked that up …
CZ 75 compact mag compatibility - AR15.COM
2019年12月26日 · The compact will accept CZ-75 B full-size mags of any capacity of or greater than 14. This includes standard 16-round CZ-75 mags, 17-round Mecgar mags, 18-round SP-01 mags, and 19-round Mecar mags. Posted: 12/26/2019 2:12:17 PM EST