CZ Scout .22 LR - Bushcraft USA Forums
2019年11月25日 · The CZ 452/455/457 Scout .22’s are at the top of the heap for current production rimfires. Durable, accurate, good looking. But, even with a 10 round magazine …
CZ 527 Carbine in 7.62x39 is my Scout Rifle - Bushcraft USA Forums
2019年5月30日 · I have had the Ruger Gunsite Scout rifle and they are great. I have a CZ 527 Carbine and to me it fits as a Scout rifle. I put a peep sight on it. 5 round mags and low recoil …
CZ Scout mod - Bushcraft USA Forums
2020年12月11日 · I have been shooting my 457 Scout for about a year now and decided to change it up a bit. I snagged a second ,used Scout stock and made a few modifications. …
CZ Scout stock swap.. - Bushcraft USA Forums
2020年1月23日 · My 457 Scout is really really nice. I could live with the short pull-it's not THAT short. But I think the quality of metal work deserves prettier wood, and the more fully adult …
Skinner on CZ Scout.. - Bushcraft USA Forums
2024年12月23日 · Someone recently asked me about how to get a Skinner peep sight on a CZ 457; I don’t know if it was here or another forum but here are a couple pics of the sight made …
Anybody got a CZ M457 "Scout" youth rifle? - Bushcraft USA Forums
2019年12月18日 · I fired a CZ 452 Scout many years ago and was impressed with its small overall length, good trigger, and solid action. A full sized stock and decent optic might have …
CZ Scout .22lr... - Bushcraft USA Forums
2020年10月21日 · The 452 Scout is probably my favorite rifle of all time. I got it years ago before the market recognized the value of CZ rifles for the princely sum of $199 at a local gun shop. It …
Restocked CZ 457 Scout at the range. | Bushcraft USA Forums
2020年2月19日 · If anyone has contemplated the CZ 457 Scout, I highly recommend it. It shot fine in the original stock but I decided to stick it in a Lux stock instead of putting a recoil pad on. I …
CZ Range Rifle & CZ 527 Carbine
2018年12月10日 · I am new here on Scout Forum and want to talk and ask about my both Rifles from CZ the Range Rifle 308and the 527 Carbine 7,62x39. I am Hunter since 23 Years. I hope …
CZ Scout
2012年10月12日 · Lots of people would like a CZ scout. They make a nice rifle. Biggest draw back is the safety works backwards, if you can live with that. Magazines are expensive, and …