ZB37式重機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ZB37式重機槍 (ZB vz.37)和 ZB26式輕機槍 也同為捷克布魯諾兵工廠的出品,vz.37為一種氣冷式重機槍,其外銷型又名M53重機槍,vz.37在捷克被德國合併後也為德軍所用,中國 國民政 …
ZB-53 - Wikipedia
Following the German invasion of Czechoslovakia, large quantities of the weapon were captured by the Wehrmacht and used during the war under the designation of MG 37 (t). The ZB-53 …
ZB37式重机枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
ZB37式重机枪 (ZB vz.37)和 ZB26式轻机枪 也同为捷克布鲁诺兵工厂的出品,vz.37为一种气冷式重机枪,其外销型又名M53重机枪,vz.37在捷克被德国合并后也为德军所用,中国 国民政 …
ZB37式重機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
ZB37式重機槍 (ZB vz.37)和 ZB26式輕機槍 也同為捷克布魯諾兵工廠的出品,vz.37為一種氣冷式重機槍,其外銷型又名M53重機槍,vz.37在捷克被德國合併後也為德軍所用,中國 國民政 …
ZB-37 Machinegun: Shootable history - SOFREP
2017年4月29日 · The ZB-37 was originally produced in Czechoslovakia by Zbrojovka Brno as the ZB-53 for the Czechoslovokian Military but once they fell under Nazi control the German’s took …
ZB37: Czechoslovakia’s Super-Heavy Machine Gun
6 天之前 · The Czechoslovakian military was still using the Schwarzlose heavy MG, and wanted something to replace it. To fill all the roles intended, there would eventually be three different …
ZB-37型重机枪火力猛,火力密度高,比同时期中央军装备的 马克沁重机枪 和日军装备的九二式和三年式重机枪在性能方面要占较大优势,深受国军官兵的喜爱。 (射速高达700发/分钟,够 …
Zbrojovka ZB vz. 37 (ZB-53) Heavy Machine Gun (HMG)
2016年9月15日 · In an effort to find a more suitable and reliable Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) design chambered to effectively fire the 7.92mm cartridge, the Czechs worked through …
捷克式都听过,你知道ZB37机枪吗?它曾在中国横扫日军! - 知乎
与我国马克沁24式重机枪不同的是,这种捷克ZB37型重机枪采用了非常高大上的全金属弹链,弹链有100发或250发两种。 ZB37发射7.92毫米子弹,有毛瑟尖头弹和重头弹两种,因为弹道性 …
ZB37: Czechoslovakia’s Super-Heavy Machine Gun By: Ian McCollum
6 天之前 · The ZB37 began in 1930 as a design by none other than classic Czech arms designer Vaclav Holek. The Czechoslovakian military was still using the Schwarzlose heavy MG, and …