肿瘤标志物科普--CA72-4偏高原因 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2020年12月4日 · ca72-4是目前诊断 胃癌 的最佳肿瘤标志物之一,对胃癌具有较高的特异性,其敏感性可达28-80%,若与 ca19-9 及 cea 联合检测可以监测70 %以上的胃癌。ca72-4水平与胃癌的分期有明显的相关性,一般在胃癌的Ⅲ-Ⅳ期增高,对伴有转移的胃癌病人,ca72-4的阳性率更远远 ...
The application of CA72-4 in the diagnosis, prognosis, and …
2021年12月1日 · The role of conventional serum tumor marker, carbohydrate antigen 72–4 (CA72-4), in assisting diagnosis, monitoring dynamic progression, and evaluating the prognosis of gastric cancer (GC) should not be ignored, especially in the Chinese population.
CA724单项偏高的原因原来是? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
糖类抗原CA72-4 (carbohydrate antigen 72-4, CA72-4)是一种由 CC49 和 B72.3 两株单抗识别的粘蛋白样的高分子量糖蛋白,分子量为220-400Kd。 正常人血清中含量较低,在胃癌患者中有较高的阳性率,在多种恶性肿瘤疾病(包括胃癌、 卵巢癌 、 结直肠癌 、 胰腺癌 、 胆囊癌 等 ...
Clinical Evaluation of CA72-4 for Screening Gastric Cancer in a …
This study aims to investigate the role of serum cancer antigen 72-4 (CA72-4) in the diagnosis of GC in a healthy population. A total of 7757 adults who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and serum CA72-4 level measurement in multicenters in Taiwan from January 2006 to August 2016 were recruited in this retrospective study.
肿瘤标志物CA72-4升高,一定是得了胃肠癌? - 澎湃新闻
引起ca72-4升高的原因. 除了肿瘤,很多因素会引起肿瘤标志物升高,如炎症、感染等,且ca72-4特异性不高,很容易受到其他因素的干扰。常见因素有:
CA 72-4 serum marker--a new tool in the management of ... - PubMed
Several studies focused on the potential clinical usefulness of CA 72-4 in gastrointestinal (GI) and gynecological cancer, showing a sensitivity of approximately 40% in colorectal and gastric cancer and 50% in ovarian cancer, with an overall specificity of more than 95%.
糖类抗原72-4检测 - 百度百科
糖类抗原72-4(CA72-4)是一种分子量为220~400kD的黏蛋白,有多个抗原决定族,它是胃肠道肿瘤和卵巢癌肿瘤的标志物。 糖类抗原72-4检测对胃癌、卵巢癌治疗及病程的监测有重要的作用。
Evaluation of tumor marker cancer antigen 72-4 (CA 72-4) in the ...
2017年3月21日 · CA72-4 is a tumor marker (TM) that has been found elevated in a variety of human adenocarcinomas, with reported sensitivities of up 50% and overall specificity of over 95%. Using the DRG TM-CA72-4 assay, we quantified the abnormality rate of TM CA72-4 compared with current FDA-approved TM in various cancers.
臨床上ca72-4對於胃癌 的診斷敏感度很高,尤其是在區別良性與惡性胃病,急性胃炎亦會短暫地略高於正常值, 若是配合ca-199 更可提高胃癌偵測之敏感度8,9,10。與胃癌的關係列於表一11,12,平 均約 40% 胃癌病人會有ca 72-4上升的情況,換句話說還有60%的人不會有異常
CA72-4是一種腫瘤標記物,主要用於監測某些癌症的治療效果及復發情況,特別是胃癌和卵巢癌。 然而,CA72-4的特異性並不高,這意味著它的升高不一定代表癌症的存在。 許多良性狀況,如胃炎、潰瘍、甚至幽門桿菌感染,都可能導致CA72-4指數的升高。 因此,單靠CA72-4的檢測結果來判斷是否罹癌是不夠的。 在您的情況下,CA72-4的檢驗結果為10,超過正常範圍(小於5),這確實引起了關注。 根據醫學文獻,CA72-4的升高可能與多種因素有關,包括但不限於腫瘤的存 …
CA72-4: a new tumour marker for gastric cancer - PubMed
In this study the value of a new serum marker, CA72-4, was compared with the serum activities of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and CA19-9 in a consecutive series of patients with gastric cancer. The results show that the CA72-4 assay is significantly better at separating stage I and II disease from normal controls (P less than 0.01) than CEA ...
2023年8月24日 · CA72-4是检查胃部肿瘤和各种消化道肿瘤的肿瘤标志物,轻度的偏高不一定提示有肿瘤的可能性。 其主要原因会是慢性胃部的疾病和其他消化道慢性疾病,比如胃炎、胰腺炎、胆囊炎等等也可以导致CA72-4轻度偏高。 此外,样本的储存不当检测的失误,也可能会导致CA72-4偏高的现象。 如果多次检测是CA72-4超过正常值的五倍以上,而且每次检测其检测值呈上升的趋势要引起重视,这时可以做胃肠镜检查,腹部的CT或者磁共振检查来排查消化系统和腹腔的 …
The application of CA72-4 in the diagnosis, prognosis, and ... - PubMed
The role of conventional serum tumor marker, carbohydrate antigen 72-4 (CA72-4), in assisting diagnosis, monitoring dynamic progression, and evaluating the prognosis of gastric cancer (GC) should not be ignored, especially in the Chinese population. Even though CA72-4 has been used in clinical pract …
Correlation between tumor marker CA72-4 and prognosis of …
Tumor marker carbohydrate antigen 72-4 (CA72-4) is a high molecular glycoprotein antigen, which does not exist in benign tumor tissues, body fluids, and normal tissues. But it can be expressed at a high level in gastrointestinal tumors, pancreatic cancer, endometrial cancer, and ovarian cancer, and has different degrees of specificity for these ...
CA 72-4 - Lab Results explained | HealthMatters.io
CA 72-4, also known as cancer antigen 72-4, is a protein that is commonly found in high levels in the blood of individuals with certain types of cancer, most notably gastrointestinal and ovarian cancers.
血清CA72-4升高:患胃癌嗎 | 香港保健協會
ca72-4是一種廣譜的腫瘤相關糖蛋白,在消化道惡性腫瘤組織中可異常升高,血清學檢查可以檢測到被釋放入血的ca72-4。 相比其他消化道惡性腫瘤,CA72-4在胃癌患者中的陽性率較高。
糖链抗原72-4 - 百度百科
糖类抗原CA72-4 (CA72-4)是高分子量类粘蛋白分子,分子量大于1000kD。 由单克隆抗体B72-3及CC49所识别,是通过乳腺癌肝转移灶的癌细胞膜免疫所制备。 CA72-4也是胃肠道和卵巢癌的肿瘤标志。 <6kU/L。 (1) 肺癌患者血清CA72-4水平常明显增高,CA72-4在不同病理类型亦有差异,以未分化、低分化癌为最高,中高分化癌次之。 动态测定血清CA72-4水平对肺癌的病情监测、疗效评价及复发诊断具有重要的临床意义。 (2) 血清CA72-4水平增高还可见于胃癌、大肠癌、卵巢 …
The importance of CA 72-4 and CA 19-9 dosing in gastric cancer
The combination of CEA, CA 19-9, and CA 72-4 is the most efficient option for staging surgery or chemotherapy for GC patients, according to the findings of this review. Higher sensitivity and specificity were demonstrated by the simultaneous detection of serum CEA, CA 19-9, CA 24-2, and CA 72-4 in people with GC and cardiac cancer [ 18 ].
CA72-4是什么肿瘤指标,正常范围 - 有来医生
2023年9月24日 · ca72-4正常值范围是0-6u/ml,如果超过6u/ml就属于ca72-4增高,应该引起重视。 ca72-4是临床上辅助诊断胃癌的常用指标,检测胃癌的敏感性在40%-50%,随着胃癌病情加重及胃癌分期增高,ca72-4水平也会显著升高。
Diagnostic role of carbohydrate antigen 72-4 for ... - PubMed
Objective: Over the past decades, carbohydrate antigen 72-4 (CA72-4) was thought to be a tumor marker that was elevated in healthy individuals and patients with malignancies, including gastrointestinal (GI), ovarian, endometrial and lung malignancies. Furthermore, studies found that elevated serum CA72-4 might predict digestive tumors ...