肿瘤标志物科普-CA50 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
CA50是胰腺和结、直肠癌的标志物,是最常用的糖类抗原肿瘤标志物,因其广泛存在胰腺、胆囊、肝、胃、结直肠、膀胱、子宫,它的肿瘤识别谱比CA19-9广,因此它又是一种普遍的肿瘤 …
超全!CA50 升高的临床意义,看这一篇就够了! - 腾讯网
2020年12月2日 · 血清 CA50 水平升高通常在临床上用于诊断或监测胰腺癌和结直肠癌。 因 CA50 广泛存在胰腺、胆囊、肝、胃、结直肠、膀胱、子宫,其肿瘤识别谱比 CA19-9 广。 当细胞 …
California's 50th congressional district - Wikipedia
California's 50th congressional district is a congressional district in the U.S. state of California, and encompasses parts of the Mid-Coast and northeastern parts of San Diego County. Scott …
Serum CA50 levels in patients with cancers and other diseases
2019年1月1日 · Carbohydrate antigen 50 (CA50) is initially reported as a cancer-specific antigen expressed on the surface of human colorectal Colo-205 cancer cells. Subsequently, increased …
CA 50: a tumor marker for gastrointestinal malignancies
CA 50, a novel cancer-associated carbohydrate marker, is detected by the C 50 antibody that has been obtained by immunization of mice with a human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line. This …
糖链抗原50 - 百度百科
Directional Couplers - CA-50 - Marki Microwave
The CA-50 is a low loss directional coupler capable of operation to 50 GHz. This coupler features a unique air-line construction that simultaneously enables extremely low loss, minimal return …
糖类抗原-50 (carbohydrate antigen 50 , CA-50) - wap.medix.cn
消化道肿瘤时血清CA-50浓度升高最多见, l 尤其以胰腺癌和胆囊癌阳性率最高, l 在80%以上, l 结肠癌和直肠癌为60%~70%, l 肝癌时也为60%~70 1 % 1 , l 肺癌为60% 1 , l 对肺癌的 …
Serum CA50 levels in patients with cancers and other diseases
Carbohydrate antigen 50 (CA50) is initially reported as a cancer-specific antigen expressed on the surface of human colorectal Colo-205 cancer cells. Subsequently, increased serum CA50 …
糖类抗原CA50高多少才算肿瘤,增高的原因 - 有来医生
2024年1月16日 · 糖类抗原CA50是临床上经常会检测到的肿瘤标志物,其增高既可能和某些癌症相关,也可能见于良性疾病,需要注意鉴别。 1、癌症或肿瘤:可以引起糖类抗原CA50增高, …