Scheelite - Wikipedia
Scheelite is a calcium tungstate mineral with the chemical formula Ca W O 4. It is an important ore of tungsten (wolfram). Scheelite is originally named after Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742–1786). Well-formed crystals are sought by collectors and are occasionally fashioned into gemstones when suitably free of flaws.
钨酸钙 - 百度百科
钨酸钙,别名“人造白钨”,白色粉末,在X射线、电子束和紫外线激发下均是很有效的发光材料,是非常重要的化学原料。 主要用于生产仲钨酸铵、 三氧化钨 、钨铁、合金钢、硬质合金、钨材、钨丝及钨合金等钨制品。 用做钨系列化工产品的原料。 在分子式CaWO4中,W的化合价为+6。 [1] 性状:白色四方晶体,正方晶系结构。 溶解性:微溶于水、 氯化铵溶液,在热盐酸中分解。 [1] 接触钨化合物会使上呼吸道和深部呼吸道受到刺激,出现炎症。 对皮肤有刺激作用。 [1] 通常来 …
[2501.16407] Optical coherence and hyperfine structure of the 7F0 …
2025年1月27日 · In this study, we investigated the spectroscopic properties of the 7F0 - 5 D0 optical and the hyperfine transitions of Eu3+ ions in a CaWO4 crystal, where the nuclear spin arises solely from the 183W isotope, with a natural abundance of 14%.
mp-19426: CaWO4 (tetragonal, I4_1/a, 88) - Materials Project
CaWO4 is Zircon-like structured and crystallizes in the tetragonal I4_1/a space group. The structure is three-dimensional. Ca2+ is bonded in a 8-coordinate geometry to eight equivalent O2- atoms. There are four shorter (2.47 Å) and four longer (2.51 Å) Ca–O bond lengths. W6+ is bonded in a tetrahedral geometry to four equivalent O2- atoms.
2D CaWO4 nanosheets derived from scheelite minerals for …
2025年1月7日 · In this work, we have fabricated two-dimensional (2D) CaWO4 nanosheets from scheelite minerals via a straightforward ultrasonic exfoliation method and evaluated their efficacy as OER catalysts. Compared to scheelite powders, these 2D nanosheets exhibited superior crystallinity and a 1.26-fold increase in electrochemical surface area, promoting ...
CaWO4、CaMoO4 和 ZnWO4 闪烁晶体在不同激发下的 ... - X-MOL
2005年4月15日 · 在 8-400K 的温度范围内研究了 CaWO4、CaMoO4 和 ZnWO4 闪烁晶体的发光光谱。 激发光子能量从紫外线 (4.5eV) 到硬 X 射线区域 (35keV) 不等。 发现随着激发能量的降低,低能发光带的相对强度(归因于 CaWO4 和 CaMoO4 晶体中缺陷中心的外在发射)增加。
A computational study of CaWO4: Raman spectrum
2023年9月1日 · In this study, we present an ab initio investigation of the optical properties of CaWO 4. The crystal structure of the bulk material along with its vibrational (in the ground state) and optical properties (in both ground and excited states) were analyzed. Our simulations accurately identified the observed Raman signature of the material.
白钨矿 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
白鎢礦 (英語: Scheelite)是一種含 鈣 鎢酸鹽 礦物,化學式為CaWO 4。 它是一種重要的 鎢 礦石。 白鎢礦最初以瑞典化學家 卡爾·舍勒 的名字命名。 形狀良好的晶體受到礦物收藏者的追捧,合適無缺陷的礦物偶爾會被加工成 寶石。 人造白鎢礦是用 提拉法 合成的,生產的材料可用於仿製 鑽石 、製作 閃爍體 或 固態 雷射介質。 白鎢礦晶體屬於 四方晶系,呈擬八面雙錐體。 顏色包括金黃色、棕綠色至深棕色、粉紅色至紅灰色、橙色和無色。 透明度範圍從半透明到透明,晶面具 …
mp-1190383: CaWO4 (orthorhombic, Cmce, 64) - Materials Project
CaWO4 crystallizes in the orthorhombic Cmce space group. The structure is three-dimensional. Ca2+ is bonded in a 9-coordinate geometry to nine O2- atoms. There are a spread of Ca–O bond distances ranging from 2.40–2.69 Å. W6+ is bonded in a 6-coordinate geometry to six O2- atoms.
One‐Pot Synthesis of Oxygen Vacancy‐Rich Amorphous/Crystalline ...
2024年12月27日 · Herein, via a one-pot wet-chemical method, oxygen vacancy-rich amorphous/crystalline heterophase CaWO 4 nanoparticles (Ov-a/c-CaWO 4 NPs) with enhanced radiodynamic effect are synthesized for radiodynamic-immunotherapy of cancer.
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