CAAX-box protein, prenylation process and carcinogenesis
2009年5月25日 · CAAX proteins are widely involved in global cellular functions such as proliferation, differentiation, and carcinogenesis. As an important modulator of biological activity, signal transduction via protein prenylation is a crucial step for most CAAX protein functions, particularly for anchoring these …
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【修饰篇】异戊烯化修饰蛋白的生物学功能 - 知乎
异戊烯化蛋白调控CAAX蛋白的功能是通过研究FTase抑制RAS蛋白的信号通路过程中发现的。 RCE-1蛋白水解的影响 在小鼠中通过基因干扰手段,发现RCE-1蛋白是唯一可以水解大部分的CAAX蛋白。
Mechanism of farnesylated CAAX protein processing by the
2013年12月1日 · CAAX proteins have essential roles in multiple signalling pathways, controlling processes such as proliferation, differentiation and carcinogenesis 1.
EGFP-CAAX - Addgene
Plasmid EGFP-CAAX from Dr. Lei Lu's lab contains the insert Homo sapiens Harvey rat sarcoma and is published in J Cell Sci. 2016 Oct 15;129(20):3922-3934. Epub 2016 Sep 15. This plasmid is available through Addgene.
【修饰篇】异戊烯化修饰蛋白的生物学功能 - 科学网博客
2020年11月12日 · 蛋白异戊烯修饰基于基因抑制以及药理学的抑制剂的相关机制,已经在不同细胞过程和疾病病理学方面深入研究。 大部分异戊烯化蛋白是 CAAX 蛋白,异戊烯修饰通常是通过蛋白法酰基转移酶(FTase)或者蛋白香叶酰基转移酶(GGTase I)分别将 C15 (法酰基)或者 C20 (香叶酰基)链接在半胱氨酸(Cys)残基上。 这个酶促反应如果是有法尼基参与,那么就是法尼酰化修饰,如果是香叶酰基参与,那么就是香叶酰化修饰。 然后,蛋白可以被 Ras- 转换 …
Endomembrane Trafficking of Ras : The CAAX Motif Targets …
1999年7月9日 · In this model, farnesylated ras proteins interact with specific receptors in the endomembrane system, perhaps the prenylcysteine-CAAX protease itself, are acted upon by the endomembrane resident prenyl-CAAX processing enzymes, and are then released to one or more transport pathways that bring them to the PM.
蛋白质的异戊二烯化 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
FTase优先选择X残基为丙氨酸、丝氨酸、蛋氨酸或谷氨酰胺的CaaX序列,而亮氨酸、异亮氨酸和苯丙氨酸是GGTase-I的首选。 这种底物特异性并非互斥,K-Ras和Rho B蛋白就表现出重叠的特异性。
caax基序 - 百度文库
Prenylation of CaaX-type proteins: Basic principles through clinical ...
2002年1月1日 · This chapter deals primarily with the biochemistry and biology of protein prenylation, focusing on those proteins that contain a so-called CaaX motif at their C-terminus. The C-terminal processing of CaaX proteins is initiated by addition of either a farnesyl or geranylgeranyl isoprenoid to the conserved cysteine of the CaaX motif.