California . Alternate Assessment. California Assessment of Student . Performance and Progress. Physical Sciences Directions for Administration High School, Practice Test
Science Test Administration FOR High School Students The information below will help local educational agencies (LEAs) determine when to administer the California Science Test (CAST) or the California Alternate Assessment (CAA)
Lexile® & Quantile® Hub Resources
New users will need to register with an affiliated school district email to access the premium-level resources. Utilize the Quick Reference Guide—How to Self-Register for the Lexile & Quantile Hub for step-by-step instructions for accessing the Hub and completing the self-registration process.. Available Tools. The following table lists all the tools currently available within the Lexile ...
2023–24 CAASPP Test Administrator Tutorial
2023–24 CAASPP Test Administrator Tutorial. The content in the Test Administrator Tutorial will prepare test administrators to administer the following California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) assessments:
VALUE AND UTILITY. Target instruction to students. Promote growth and progress monitoring Communicate student achievement more effectively . Again, the value and utility of Lexile and Quantile measures reside in their ability to help students, teachers, and …
Response Options for Alternate Assessments You Are the Expert—You Know Your Students Best! Students assigned to take alternate assessments comprise a diverse population with a variety
2022年1月6日 · For the CAST, the California SBE approved the revised blueprint for the 2021–22 school year. With this revised blueprint, students will receive fewer test questions overall, which will help them succeed in completing the test within the estimated two hours.
Asynchronous Learning Module: Hand Scoring ELA Performance …
Asynchronous Learning Module: Hand Scoring ELA Performance Tasks. This asynchronous learning module provides educators with the opportunity to learn—at their own pace and at a time that is convenient for them—about the hand scoring process for the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessment for English language arts/literacy (ELA) performance tasks.. The Smarter …
Test Security - origin-www-new.caaspp.org
Test Security Test Security Forms. Users with roles that require access to TOMS and the test delivery system must be assigned access before logging on and signing security affidavits in TOMS.. 2023–24 Test Security Affidavit for Non-TOMS Users
2023–24 CAA for Science Administration Planning Guide—High School . 2023–24 CAA for Science Administration Planning Guide—High School. 2023–24 CAA for Science Administration Planning Guide—High School