Cable Pulling Sled - Wagner-Smith Equipment Co.
The Cable Pulling Sled is used for aligning two or three cables in our multiple cable block when pulling overhead cable into position prior to lashing. It incorporates either a 5000 or 7000 lb. swivel capacity on the front end and three 5000 lb. capacity swivels on the back end.
Jetting Sleds for Subsea Power Cable Laying - ETA Ltd
ETA have developed a range of jetting sleds for the burial of cables for the power market. ETA’s extensive research and trials have led to a design that optimises jetting efficiency. Below you will find details of ETA’s power cable laying jetting sleds. Power cable shallow water jet sled, 2.7m standard burial depth capability, 5.2m maximum.
Jetting Sleds - ETA Ltd
ETA have developed a highly successful range of jetting sleds for the burial of cables and pipelines. Extensive research and trials conducted by ETA have led to a design that optimises jetting efficiency resulting in minimum water pump requirements for a …
Jetting sleds - Royal IHC
The Royal IHC jet sleds are designed for pipeline or cable burial in shallow water. They use high-pressure, surface-fed water through jetting nozzles to fluidise the seabed and allow product burial. An eduction system on board the sled removes material from …
The Pulling Sled is used for aligning two or three cables in our multiple cable block when pulling overhead cable into position prior to lashing. It incorporates either a 5000 or 7500 lb. swivel capacity on the front end and three 5000 lb. capacity swivels on the back end. It is generally used with any conventional winching device. The
70626 || Cable Pulling Sled w/ Swivels - Brenco
The pulling sled is used for aligning two or three cables in the multiple cable block and pulling overhead cable into position prior to lashing. It incorporates either a 5000 or 7500 lb. swivel capacity on the front and three 5000 lb. swivel capacity on the rear.
CABLE PULLING SLED - General Machine Products
The Pulling Sled is used for aligning two or three cables in our multiple cable block when pulling overhead cable into position prior to lashing. Swivels are not included. It is generally used with any conventional winching device
HydroPlow - Asso.subsea
Asso.subsea Hydroplow is a lightweight jetting sled that is intended for use in tandem with a CLV (Cable Lay Vessel) for SLB (Simultaneous Laying and Burial). Its heave-compensated tow system is designed in such a way as to operate safely and thriftily in cohesive soil constitution with high shear strength and in severe weather conditions.
Cable Pulling Sled for Precision Alignment - AMAC E
The Pulling Sled is used for aligning two or three cables in our multiple cable block when pulling overhead cable into position prior to lashing. It incorporates either a 5000 or 7000 lb. swivel capacity on the front end and three 5000 lb. capacity swivels on the back end.
Telecoms Jetting Sleds - ETA Ltd
ETA have developed a range of jetting sleds for the burial of cables for the telecoms market. ETA’s extensive research and trials have led to a design that optimises jetting efficiency. Below you will find details of ETA’s telecoms cable laying jetting sleds. Shallow water jet sled, compact design with maximum burial capability of 2.2m.