Herding by caging: a formation-based motion planning framework …
The initial cage acquisition is essential to enable the herding process. In this work, given different number of sheep with different wandering velocities, we evaluate the minimal number of needed herders to form an initial cage, as well as how the herders should move to achieve the initial cage. In this experiment, we keep … 展开
In wander or escape modes, sheep behave differently in terms of their intention of escaping from the cage during the herding phase, in which their movement do not follow the potential field. When operating in the wander mode, sheep move randomly and … 展开
After an initial caging configuration is acquired, the herding team has to pass through different structures in the map to reach the destination. … 展开
In this experiment, we evaluate the herding procedure in terms of the numbers of herders and sheep. To keep the evaluation consistent, we set the ratio of \(\mathrm {t}_{\mathrm{R}}/{\mathrm{t}}_{\mathrm{H}} = 4\)and set the sheep to … 展开
During a herding task, it is possible that one or more of the herders will be broken or malfunctioning in the middle of the procedure. In those cases, … 展开
a caging configuration aims at completely constraining all possible configurations of the target object within a known region (cage). The target object is manipulated as the cage moves or …
introduces “caging in motion”, an approach for analyzing ma-nipulation robustness through energy margins and caging-based analysis. Our method assesses manipulation robustness by …
- Caging Motion 的研究
Characterizing Manipulation Robustness through Energy Margin …
2024年4月18日 · This paper introduces an approach for evaluating manipulation robustness through energy margins and caging-based analysis. Our method assesses manipulation …
- Cite as: arXiv:2404.12115 [cs.RO]
- Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
Herding by caging: a formation-based motion planning framework …
Official implementation of the herding-by-caging algorithm (Herding by caging: a formation-based motion planning framework for guiding mobile agents) TL;DR The software implements a …
robots to partially control the motion of the sheep. We formalize this behavior geometrically by applying the notion of caging, widely used in robotic grasping. We show that our approach is …
in the sense that the sheep cannot escape from the robots under our assumed motion model. We propose an RRT-based path planning algorithm for herding by caging, demonstrate its …
Herding by caging: a formation-based motion planning framework …
2021年6月1日 · We propose a solution to the problem of herding by caging: given a set of mobile robots (called herders) and a group of moving agents (called sheep), we guide the sheep to a …
3D two-fingered caging for two types of objects: sufficient …
2013年12月19日 · In this paper, we propose two types of caging: ring-type and waist-type, which both can be accomplished by a two-fingered hand. We derive sufficient conditions for caging …
Motion planning for 3D multifingered caging with object …
In this paper, we present a motion planner for caging by a multifingered hand and a manipulator to produce whole motion which includes approaching to a target object and capturing it without …