python - get cairosvg working in windows - Stack Overflow
2017年9月17日 · CairoSVG (the python library and bindings) needs Cairo (The C library, part of GTK+) to run. It appears ...
svg - Can I specify scaling when using the cairosvg module inside …
2017年3月20日 · The command line version of cairosvg allows scaling. Here is the output of the help function: cairosvg -h usage: cairosvg [-h] [-v] [-f {pdf,png,ps,svg}] [-d DPI] [-W WIDTH] [-H HEIGHT] [-s SCALE] [-u] [-o OUTPUT] input CairoSVG - A simple SVG converter based on Cairo.
python - Converting SVG to PDF using CairoSVG fails ...
2023年11月6日 · For this purpose I have installed the CairoSVG package using the pip command: pip install cairosvg. It is the latest version (2.7.1) of CairoSVG. Everything seems to be installed and configured correctly. A few key details:
Convert SVG to PNG in Python - Stack Overflow
2011年7月6日 · I've been doing this myself. It basically depends on what tools or frameworks u have at hand when handling your web requests, but no matter what it is, the basic idea is that svg2png takes in a stream object in the write_to parameter, and this can either be your HTTP Response object (which in most frameworks is a file-like object) or some other stream, which you then serve to the browser using ...
Getting CairoSVG to recognise a local image in the URL
2018年5月1日 · Using cairosvg in python (on Windows) to convert some SVGs to PNGs and struggling with it a little, the ...
Error when importing `cairosvg` on Windows - Stack Overflow
2024年8月3日 · I'm on Windows (Windows 11) I installed cairosvg using pip: pip install cairosvg But when I import it I have this error: OSError: no library called "cairo-2" was found no library called ...
Get dimensions - or proportions - of an SVG file with CairoSVG
2021年11月30日 · I'm using CairoSVG successfully in my Python project - md2pptx. It converts SVG to PNG and that is then scaled to fit a space on the relevant PowerPoint slide. It would be better to scale the SVG file on conversion rather than subsequently. But I don't kno3w the proportions (or dimensions) of the SVG file.
Convert SVG with custom fonts to PNG with Python using cairosvg …
2016年12月27日 · import cairosvg png = cairosvg.svg2png(bytestring=svg_data) The code works fine on my local machine (running under Mac OS) with installed fonts. However, when I try to deploy it to remote Ubuntu instance the fonts somehow couldn't be loaded and I end up with PNG having some default fonts in it.
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'CairoSVG' - Stack …
I followed this and the package CairoSVG is definitely installed. I also did: I also did: Go to File > Invalidate caches/restart and click Invalidate and Restart to apply changes and restart PyCharm.
python 3.x - cairosvg installed but ImportError - Stack Overflow
2016年8月27日 · I just installed cairosvg and it seems to have worked. If i try to install again it says: $ pip install cairosvg Requirement already satisfied(...) But if I try to import it in python3, it delivers an ImportError: >>>import cairosvg Traceback(most recent call last): (...) ImportError: No Module named 'cairosvg' Any ideas whats going wrong here?