California Teaching Performance Assessment (CalTPA)
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing has approved a secondary passing standard at its December 2023 meeting for the following performance assessments: CalTPA, EdSp CalTPA, and edTPA. See PSA-24-02 for more …
CalTPA Assessment Materials
Candidates may obtain the following CalTPA assessment materials either from their preparation program or via download directly from the ePortfolio submission system once they have registered for a cycle. CalTPA Instructional Cycles 1 and 2 Performance Assessment Guides; CalTPA Instructional Cycles 1 and 2 Templates
About CalTPA
The CTC redeveloped the state-sponsored teaching performance assessment, the California Teaching Performance Assessment (CalTPA). Pursuant to Education Code Section 44320.2, this assessment meets one of the requirements for earning a Preliminary Multiple Subject or Single Subject Teaching Credential.
CalTPA - California
2024年3月15日 · We understand that many questions may arise during this challenging time and have developed information to assist. More Information. Learn more about the updated California's Teaching Performance Expectations Open PDF in current window.
Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) - California
Each of the three approved teaching performance assessment models, CalTPA, edTPA, and FAST requires a candidate to complete defined performance tasks relating to subject-specific pedagogy, designing and implementing instruction and student assessment, video-recording teaching, and reflecting on practice.
The revised CalTPA draws from and is informed by California’s rich experience with different performance -based assessment models, including the original California Teaching Performance Assessment (CalTPA), the redeveloped CalTPA (2016), the Education Specialist CalTPAs, as well as the California Administrator
The CalTPA is grounded in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) theory and practice as it relates to curriculum and instruction. UDL is an educational framework based on research in the
Teacher Performance Assessment | Watson College of Education …
2024年3月14日 · The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) revised CalTPA is structured around two full instructional cycles based on the pedagogical sequence of plan, teach and assess, reflect, and apply, each conducted within a school placement. The complete sequence will be addressed by each instructional cycle, with candidates providing evidence of ...
California Teaching Performance Assessment (CalTPA)
Each semester, the Stan State Office of Extended Education offers CalTPA preparation courses for Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 that are fully online with regularly scheduled synchronous meetings. Information about each course, including registration info, can be found by navigating to the Extended Education CalTPA course website linked below.
The redeveloped CalTPA includes two instructional cycles with a focus on content-specific instructional planning and assessment: