How long does Calfig take to work? - Netmums
2008年8月7日 · Hi sorry im not very good at getting my point across Sophie started the same way when she was potty trained at 18 months and a few months ago after seeing yet another consultant we found out that , when this happens and they are to scared to poo even after a few months the bowel becomes lazy , this is what happend to sophie .
Califig - Netmums
2012年3月13日 · Hi I wouldn't try califig i gave it to my 16 month old and she threw up immediately. Constipation is always an issue for my lo so I try 2 ounces of prune juice with 1 ounce of water do that every day for a week just to get things back to normal it def works!!! also make sure drinking plenty of fluids.
6 weeks pregnant and very constipated! - Netmums
2014年5月3日 · Califig buy from chemist or large tesco (syrup of fig) Drink loads and loads of water everyday. Thanks ...
Daughter 21/2 constipated - Netmums
2008年11月23日 · Welcome to the Califig Website. 0. Reply. Search for a thread. Anonymous. 24/11/2008 at 12:12 am.
Constipation!!! Movicol users - Page: 3 - Netmums
Last post: 03/06/2015 at 8:57 pm. Anonymous. 16/01/2009 at 7:36 pm
Please help - my 2.5 year old son is screaming and crying
2013年3月8日 · Buy some Califig from Chemist or big supermarket it's syrup of fig, works brilliantly. Two tablespoons of brown sugarin warm water is an old remedy. Get him to drink lots and lots of water if you can.
That's it!! I have had enough of cleaning the poo out of DD's
2012年2月2日 · So I gave my DD 5mls of Califig at 8am and waited in all day for the explosion that i was expecting but nothing happened until 3.30pm and it was just a normal soft poo (sorry for tmi) she did go twice and the 2nd one i managed to get her to sit on the loo and finish but i was hoping that she would tell me when she needed to go rather than me ...
Constipated 11 month old - Netmums
2009年5月11日 · My 11 month old daughter is very constipated at the moment and has been for just under a week. She cries and sometimes
Can child maintenance check bank accounts - Netmums
2016年12月23日 · Hi Chloe, I didn't want to read and run. I'm not sure how CSA work with self-employed people but I know with employed they go to the employer of an employed non resident parent to obtain wages if they don't play ball as that's all they go on as far as I'm aware.
Carobel and Silent Reflux - Page: 2 - Netmums
Bottle-feeding. Silent Reflux - Help Needed - Does anti-reflux formula help SILENT reflux?