Cambarus - Wikipedia
Cambarus occupy a range of freshwater environments including streams, rivers, lakes, and burrows. Burrowing species of the genus include Cambarus dubius. [2] Cambarus also include many cave-dwelling species, both stygobites and stygophiles. [3]
螯虾 - 百度百科
螯虾,是十足目螯虾次目中淡水种类的通称。螯虾科分二属。其体表被以坚硬的几丁质外骨骼,深红色或红黄色,头胸部由头部与胸部愈合而成,外被头胸甲;头胸甲约占体长的一半。头胸甲前部中央有一背腹扁的三角形突起,称额剑,其边缘有锯齿。额剑两侧各有一个可自由转动的眼柄,其 …
Cambarus bartonii - Wikipedia
Cambarus bartonii is a species of crayfish native to eastern North America, where it is called the common crayfish [3] or Appalachian brook crayfish. [ 2 ] Cambarus bartonii was the first crayfish to be described from North America, when Johan Christian Fabricius published it under the name Astacus bartonii in his 1798 work Supplementum ...
鳌虾属 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Cambarus (Hiaticambarus) andersoni Jones & Eversole, 2015 Cambarus angularis Hobbs & R.W.Bouchard, 1994 Cambarus (Cambarus) appalachiensis Loughman, Welsh & Thoma, 2017 [3] Cambarus asperimanus Faxon, 1914 Cambarus bartonii (Fabricius, 1798) Cambarus (Cambarus) bartoniicavatus Hay, 1902 Cambarus batchi …
蝲蛄科 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
蝲蛄科(學名: Cambaridae )也称螯虾科,是十足目下的一個科,亦是淡水龙虾三個科之中最大的一個,包含有超過400個物種 [1] 。 属该科物种体型略似龙虾而较小,在部分地区被称为小龙虾。 头胸部较长,呈长卵圆形。前三对步足都有螯,第一对特别发达。
Cambarus gentryi - Wikipedia
Cambarus gentryi, the linear cobalt crayfish, [2] is a small species of burrowing crayfish. One of 115 species in the genus Cambarus, [3] it is notable for its deep blue carapace. [4] It is endemic to Tennessee in the United States. [1] [2]
Big Water Crayfish (Cambarus robustus) - Species Profile
Ecology: Cambarus robustus are a large crayfish that prefer fast flowing water and rocky substrate (Guiasu, 2002), although they may also be found in larger precambrian shield lakes (Hamr and Berrill, 1984). Some individuals have a carapace length of …
Cambarus - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Freshwater crayfish Cambarus sp., a component of the food web in a New Hampshire lake. The branched appendages are a distinguishing feature of this phylum. Crayfish are nocturnal lake-bed scavengers, feeding on aquatic worms and plant growth.
Cambarus - Animalia
Cambarus is a large and diverse genus of crayfish from the United States and Canada. The adults range in size from about 5 cm (2.0 in) up to approximately 15 cm (5.9 in). Cambarus occupy a range of freshwater environments including streams, rivers, lakes, and burrows.
Cambarus strigosus
The Variable Crayfish (Cambarus latimanus) may occur in close proximity to this species, but it is a dull brownish color and there is space within the areola. The Broad River Burrowing Crayfish occurs with the Lean Crayfish as well, but it is a plain brownish color and the claw shape is …