Surface System Technology - CAMERON - PDF Catalogs
Surface Systems Technology Onshore and offshore production equipment that balance reliability, safety, and effectiveness.
Wellhead and tree systems - SLB
Leverage a wide range of slip-type and mandrel casing hangers and packoffs. Withstand pressures up to 10,000 psi in a configurable solution. Decrease potential NPT and reduce trips with compact wellhead systems. One-piece hanger with gas-tight seals machined onto its surface enables efficient single-trip installation.
Conventional Wellhead System - Rigs & Equipment - SLB
The versatile Cameron conventional wellhead product line incorporates a wide range of slip-type and mandrel casing hangers and packoffs, including the automatic slip-type hanger, which uses casing weight to energize the annular seal. Rated up to 10,000 psi, the IC conventional wellhead system can thus be configured to meet many service conditions.
API Spec 6A Technologies - SLB
Cameron designs and manufactures various types of API Spec 6A technologies suitable for the demanding environments of onshore and offshore drilling and production, including large-bore completions; pressure and temperature extremes; and heavy oil, sour, and subsea applications.
Marksmen Wellhead and X-Mas Tree equipment is API-6A monogrammed and backed up by ISO-9001 and 14001 assurance. Our team will assist in the selection, design and installation of the equipment best suited to your project, whether in the drilling, completion or production phases of your field development.
Mohd Faizul Zawri - Field Service Specialist - Cameron, a …
Field Service Specialist at Cameron, a Schlumberger company · Accumulated approximate 12 years experienced in surface wellhead and XMT system. Result oriented individual with a proven record of...
- 职位: Field Service Specialist at …
- 位置: Cameron, a Schlumberger company
XMT系列数显温度控制器使用说明书 - 百度文库
XMT系列数显温度控制器是近年发展起来的新一代工业自动化检测、控制温度的通用型仪表,它采用先进的大规模集成电路,应用独特的非线性校正技术,把测温传感器反馈给仪表的实时温度值与控制器的预置设定控制值进行快速地逻辑比较、运算、输出控制,以达到稳定控制设定温度的工控目的。 温度显示及全量程位式调节控制。 XMT系列数显温度控制器使用说明书-三、XMT系列数显温度控制器的调节功能与使用方法1、XMT — 101/102、XMTA — 2001/2002、XMTD — …
Repsol - Yme Cameron XMT and gate valve course - Facebook
Repsol - Yme Cameron XMT and gate valve course with Wells, IWIT and maintenance for Process Opprettet for å kunne favne alle som skal på kurs og som har Facebook.
XMT系列 智能温度控制调节仪 使用说明书 - 道客巴巴
2013年12月29日 · 概述 XMT 系列智能双四位数字温度控制器采用扰大容量单片机为核心, 专家级 PID 自整定算法, 先进的 SMT 表面贴装技术, 软硬件采用冗余, 多重数字滤波技术, 具有性能稳定,测量精度高等特点; 广泛应用于机械、 化工、 轻工、 冶金、 石化、 热处理等行业的温度自动控制。 2.. 技术指标 1. 输入: K、 PT100、 5. 电源功耗: ≤4W 2. 精度等级: 0. 5 级 6. 环境温度: 0℃~50℃ 3. 分辨率: 1℃ 7. 相对湿度: 35%~85%(无冷凝) 4. 额定电压: …
Cameron Sino
Cameron Sino is a One-stop battery supplier that offers different kinds of batteries, OEM battery, ODM battery, and drop-shipping supporting services.