Corporate alternative minimum tax - Internal Revenue Service
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 created the corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT), which imposes a 15% minimum tax on the adjusted financial statement income (AFSI) of large corporations for taxable years beginning after Dec. 31, 2022.
Instructions for Form 4626 (2024) | Internal Revenue Service
Part II—Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax (CAMT) CAMT applies if the tentative minimum tax for the tax year exceeds the sum of the regular income tax plus the base erosion minimum tax. The tentative minimum tax for the tax year is the excess of 15% of AFSI for the tax year, over the CAMT FTC for the tax year.
IRS issues proposed regulations for Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax
2024年9月12日 · The Inflation Reduction Act created the CAMT, which imposes a 15% minimum tax on the adjusted financial statement income (AFSI) of large corporations for taxable years beginning after Dec. 31, 2022. The CAMT generally applies to large corporations with an average annual AFSI exceeding $1 billion.
What Is the Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax (CAMT)?
2025年2月9日 · The Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax (CAMT) is a key component of the corporate tax system, designed to ensure that businesses with significant income contribute their fair share. It targets corporations that may otherwise use loopholes and deductions to substantially lower their tax obligations.
The Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax: A Primer for Sponsors …
The CAMT imposes a minimum tax on an “applicable corporation” equal to the excess of 15% of its adjusted financial statement income (AFSI) (minus a foreign tax credit) over its regular corporate tax for the year.
IRS releases CAMT guidance: PwC
The IRS on December 15 released Notice 2024-10 (Notice), providing additional guidance on the application of the corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT), which is effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 2022.
Roadmap: Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax (CAMT)
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 created the Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax (CAMT), imposing a 15% minimum tax on large corporations’ AFSI for tax years after Dec. 31, 2022. On Sept. 13, 2024, the Treasury and IRS issued proposed rules under §56A, §59 and §1502 (REG-112129-23, 89 Fed. Reg. 75,062).
CAMT Touch This: Treatment of Tax Credits, Direct Pay, and ...
2024年11月14日 · On September 12, 2024, the Department of the Treasury (the “Treasury”) and the Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) issued long-awaited proposed regulations (89 FR 75062) (the “Proposed Regulations”) on the application of the corporate alternative minimum tax (the “CAMT”), which was enacted two years ago as part of the Inflation ...
Corporate AMT guidance clarifies thresholds and computation
2023年9月28日 · The IRS has released significant guidance (Notice 2023-64) on the new corporation alternative minimum tax (CAMT) with important rules for determining who is covered and how it is calculated. The notice builds off guidance previously offered in Notice 2023-7 and Notice 2023-20, and in some cases supersedes them.
Corporate alternative minimum tax: IRS issues initial guidance
2023年1月23日 · The 15% corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT) was enacted in 2022. The CAMT applies only to some large, profitable corporations and corporate groups. CAMT computations use book income (financial statement income) …